
Vrednotenje fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti kapa-karagenana s pomočjo mikroskopije na atomsko silo in instrumenta za zaznavanje globine vtisa
ID Tandara, Patricia (Author), ID Janković, Biljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polimere uporabljamo v farmaciji kot pomožne snovi pri izdelavi zdravil. Najpogosteje se polimeri uporabljajo za zaščito ZU pred vlago, svetlobo, specifičnimi pogoji v prebavnem traktu, stabilizirajo suspenzije/emulzije, omogočajo prirejeno sproščanje…V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na kapa-karagenan, ki je naravni polimer in se uporablja kot pomožna snov za nadzorovano sproščanje zdravilne učinkovine ter kot vezivo za mehko tabletiranje (ang. soft tableting). S pomočjo dveh različnih analitskih pristopov smo v okviru eksperimentalnega dela ovrednotili fizikalno kemijske lastnosti kapa-karagenanov različnih tipov, proizvajalcev ter serij. S pomočjo mikroskopa na atomsko silo smo posneli posamezne polimerne verige iz pripravljenih raztopin z različno koncentracijo polimera. Pri nižjih koncentracijah polimera smo zaznali posamezne verige z zankami in razcepi. Nekatere serije kapa-karagenanov pa so tvorile mreže. Pri višji koncentraciji polimera pa mrež in posameznih verig nismo opazili, na sliki so bile le neurejene oz. agregirane strukture. Z instrumentalnim nanovtiskovanjem smo določili mehanske lastnosti polimernih filmov. Izmerili smo Youngov modul in vtisno trdnost. Metoda je nedestruktivna in zahteva le minimalno količino vzorca, kar je še posebej pomembno pri predformulacijskih raziskavah. Pokazali smo linearno korelacijo med persistenčno dolžino in Youngovim modulom ter persistenčno dolžino in vtisno trdnostjo. Na makroskopskem nivoju Youngov modul pomeni merilo elastičnosti in vtisna trdnost merilo plastičnosti. Plastična in elastična deformacija sta zelo pomembni pri procesu stiskanja tablet, kjer pride do začasne prerazporeditve delcev, elastične deformacije, plastične deformacje in na koncu fragmentacije. Glede na širok razpon vrednosti parametrov, ki smo jih določali, lahko zaključimo, da prihaja do velikih variacij med različnimi serijami naravnih polimerov. Fizikalno kemijske lastnosti le-teh pa posredno vplivajo tudi na končne lastnosti tablet, kot so trdnost, elastičnost, nabrekanje in hitrost raztapljanja.

Keywords:Kapa-karagenan, mikroskopija na atomsko silo, nanoindentacija, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of kappa-carrageenan physico-chemical properties with atomic force microscopy and nanoindenter
Polymers are used in pharmacy as excipients in the drug manufacture. Most often, polymers are used to protect API from moisture, light, specific conditions in the GIT, stabilize suspensions / emulsions, control release of the API… The master's thesis was focused on kappa-carrageenan, it is a natural polymer and is used as an excipient for controlled release of the API and as a binder for soft tableting. Using two different analytical approaches, we evaluated the physicochemical properties of kappa-carrageenan of different types, manufacturers and series. Using an atomic force microscope, individual polymer chains were prepared from solutions with different polymer concentrations. At lower concentration, individual chains with loops and knots were detected. Some series of kappa-carrageenan formed networks. At higher concentration, networks and individual chains were not observed, only disordered and aggregating structures were noticed. The mechanical properties of polymer films were determined by instrumental nanoindentation. The Young's modulus and the hardness was measured. The method is non-destructive and requires only a minimal amount of sample, what is especially important in pre-formulation research. A linear correlation between persistence length and Young's modulus and persistence length and hardness were presented. At the macroscopic level, the Young's modulus is a measure of elasticity. A hardness is a measure of plasticity. Plastic and elastic deformation are very important in the tablet compression process, where a temporary redistribution of particles, elastic deformation, plastic deformation and finally fragmentation are done. Regarding the wide range of parameter values were determined, it can be concluded that there are large variations between different series of natural polymers. Physicochemical properties also indirectly affect the final properties of the tablets, such as strength, elasticity, swelling and dissolution rate.

Keywords:Kappa-carrageenan, atomic force microscopy, nanoindentation, mechanical properties

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