
Lahko branje v CUDV Dobrna
ID Perko, Urška (Author), ID Šauperl, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo predstavlja lahko branje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. V Centru za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Dobrna živi 130 uporabnikov in uporabnic z motnjami v duševnem razvoju in drugimi pridruženimi motnjami. Osebe s posebnimi potrebami imajo, tako kot vsi ostali posamezniki, pravico do vključevanja v družbo, pravico do izobraževanja, do komuniciranja in informacij. Zaradi njihovih razvojnih in zdravstvenih težav je njihovo vključevanje v družbo in razumevanje informacij velikokrat onemogočeno. Lahko branje so informacije in besedila, prirejena za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Lahko branje je področje, ki je v Sloveniji še v razvoju, najbolj dejavno pa se z njim ukvarja Zavod Risa in CUDV Črna na Koroškem. V Centru za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Dobrna deluje tudi Tim za lahko branje, ki za uporabnike in uporabnice pripravlja gradivo v lahkem branju. Z metodo anketnega vprašalnika sem med zaposlenimi preverjala poznavanje področja lahkega branja in uporabo le-tega. Uporabniki in uporabnice so sodelovali v eksperimentalni metodi. Brali so »klasični« recept za pomladno rižoto in recept v lahkem branju ter skuhali omenjeno jed. Anketni vprašalnik in metoda eksperimenta sta podali odgovore na zastavljena vprašanja in predpostavljene hipoteze. Anketni vprašalnik je pokazal zaskrbljujoče rezultate glede neuporabe lahkega branja pri zaposlenih, medtem ko je metoda eksperimenta pokazala in potrdila zastavljeno hipotezo, da uporabniki lažje razumejo besedila v lahkem branju.

Keywords:osebe s posebnimi potrebami, motnje v duševnem razvoju, socialno varstveni zavod, CUDV Dobrna, informacije, branje, lahko branje, prilagoditve branja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121674 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Easy Reading in CUDV Dobrna
The Master's thesis presents easy read for persons with special needs. There are 130 users, male and female, with intellectual disabilities and other associated disorders in the Dobrna Center for Training, Work and Care. Persons with special needs have as much right to be included in society, to be educated, to communicate, and to be informed as every other individual. Due to their developmental and health problems, their integration into society and understanding information are many times impossible. Easy read is information and texts adapted for persons with special needs. The former is a field which is still in development in Slovenia. The Risa Institution and the Črna na Koroškem Center for Training, Work and Care are the most active in this field. The Dobrna Center for Training, Work and Care has a Team for Easy Read who prepares the easy read material for their users. I have used the survey questionnaire method to verify the employees' knowledge of the field of easy read and their use of it. The users participated in the experimental method. They read „the classic“ recipe for spring risotto as well as the version in easy read and then prepared the mentioned dish. The survey questionnaire method and the experimental method provided answers to the questions asked and the hypotheses. The survey questionnaire showed the alarming results which indicate non-application of easy read amongst the employees. On the other hand, the experimental method indicated and confirmed the hypothesis that the users understand the texts in easy read easier.

Keywords:persons with special needs, intellectual disabilities, social protection institution, CUDV Dobrna (t/n: The Dobrna Center for Training, Work and Care), information, reading, easy read, reading adjustment

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