
Satira kot »sodobna parrhesia«
ID Ambrož, Urh (Author), ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge bo preučiti in odrediti mesto satiri v današnjih prevladujočih vrstah govora, zato nas ne bo toliko zanimala satira kot »ona sama«, temveč v širšem kontekstu načinov govorov in izražanj, ki se uporabljajo v javnem in političnem prostoru. To pomeni, da je ne bomo opredeljevali kot žanr in ji dodelili neke tipične prepoznavne manifestacije, temveč nas bodo zanimale njene relacije do drugih modusov izražanja. Magistrske naloge tako ne bomo pričeli neposredno s satiro. Do nje prišli bomo prišli posredno preko ovinka. Zaradi umestitve satire v širši kontekst izražanja nas bo pritegnila v drugi polovici magistrske naloge, ko bomo že imeli razdelane vrste govorov in izražanj, ki jih bomo imenovali – parrhesia (neustrašni govor), negativna politična nekorektnost, aritmetična politična korektnost, kritični in všečni populizem ter simbolno nasilje. Za izhodišče pa bomo vzeli Foucaultovo analizo parrhesie v antiki, ki jo bomo preko Foucaultove tematizacije razsvetljenstva razširili na današnje prevladujoče vrste govora v javnem in političnem prostoru.

Keywords:politična filozofija, satira, parrhesia, politična (ne)korektnost, populizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121670 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Satire as »modern parrhesia«
The purpose of the master’s thesis will be studying and defining the position of satire in today’s prevalent types of speeches. For that reason, we won’t be interested solely in the satire “itself” but mainly in the broad context of types of speeches and expressions used in a public and political environment. This means, we won’t define satire as a genre and assign some typical recognisable manifestation to it, but will instead focus on its structural features and relation to other means of expression. The master’s thesis therefore won’t start directly with satire. We will find our way to it around a corner. Due to the placement in its broader context of expression, satire will get our attention in the latter part of the master’s thesis, when we will have already elaborated the types of speeches and expressions which we will name – parrhesia (fearless speech), negative political incorrectness, arithmetical political correctness, critical and pleasing populism and symbolic violence. We will use the Foucault’s analysis of parrhesia in antiquity, which will then be extended through Foucalt’s thematization of enlightment on today’s prevalent speeches in a public and political environment.

Keywords:political philosophy, satire, parrhesia, political (in)correctness, populism

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