
Bralno-napisovalne težave pri mladoletnikih Prevzgojnega doma Radeče
ID Žnidarič, Ana (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6498/ This link opens in a new window

Čedalje več otrok in mladostnikov, usmerjenih kot učenci oz. dijaki s posebnimi potrebami, nima zgolj ene težave/motnje, ampak vedno pogosteje govorimo o t. i. komorbidnosti težav. Tako se specifične učne težave branja in pisanja pogosto pojavljajo skupaj z motnjami pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti, nemalokrat pa tudi s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela najprej predstavljamo učne težave ter čustvene in vedenjske motnje kot tudi njihovo sopojavljanje (komorbidnost). Podrobneje predstavljamo delovanje vzgojnih ustanov v Sloveniji, saj so v Prevzgojnem domu Radeče, kjer zaposleni ravnajo po ciljih in načelih delovanja vzgojnih zavodov v Sloveniji, mladoletniki in mladoletnice, ki imajo čustvene in vedenjske motnje. Ker smo empirični del izvedli v prevzgojnem domu, ki organizacijsko spada pod Ministrstvo za pravosodje, smo se v teoretičnem delu osredotočili na raziskave, ki so preučevale razširjenost specifičnih učnih težav med zaporniki, še posebej na tiste, ki so zajemale mladostniške prestopnike. Prevzgojni dom Radeče je edina vzgojna ustanova v Sloveniji, ki jo financira Ministrstvo za pravosodje in ne Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Zaradi tega smo v teoretičnem delu skušali prikazati obe strani delovanja in organizacije doma. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali so med mladoletniki Prevzgojnega doma Radeče pogosteje prisotne specifične učne težave branja in pisanja kot med njihovimi vrstniki. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, ali pri katerih mladoletnikih specifične motnje branja in pisanja v preteklosti niso bile odkrite. Za ugotavljanje prisotnosti suma na disleksijo smo pri petih mladoletnikih izvedli Preizkus ugotavljanja rizičnosti za disleksijo, vendar suma pri testirancih nismo odkrili. To smo nato potrdili tudi z vprašalnikom, s katerim smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna je zgodovina učnih težav pri mladoletnikih. Spraševali smo, ali so bili v osnovni šoli usmerjeni kot učenci s posebnimi potrebami ter s kakšnimi težavami pri učenju so se srečevali. Ker nas je zanimalo, kako se s pojavnostjo specifičnih učnih težav spopadajo v domu, smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju z učiteljico, ki poučuje mladoletnike v domu. Ugotovili smo, da se s specifičnimi učnimi težavami redko srečujejo oz. da jih nimajo.

Keywords:bralno-napisovalne težave
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121648 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:33287171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Reading and writing difficulties of juveniles in juvenile correctional facility in radeče
The increasing amount of children and adolescents, categorized as students with special needs, does not have a single disability/impairment, but more and more often we talk about the comorbidity of problems. Accordingly, specific learning difficulties in reading and writing oftentimes occur along with attention and hyperactivity disorders, as well as emotional and behavioral disorders. The theoretical part of the master's thesis firstly introduces learning difficulties and emotional and behavioral disorders as well as their co-occurrence (comorbidity). In detail, we present the work of educational institutions in Slovenia, because Radeče Correctional Home, where they follow the goals and principles of the operational institutions in Slovenia, houses adolescents who have emotional and behavioral disorders. Since the empirical part was carried out in the correctional home, which is formally under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, the theoretical part focused on studies that examined the prevalence of specific learning difficulties among prisoners, especially those involving juvenile offenders. Radeče Correctional Home is the only educational institution in Slovenia that is financed by the Ministry of Justice and not by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Consequently, the theoretical part tries to show both sides of the operation and organization of the home. The main goal of the master's thesis was to determine whether specific learning difficulties in reading and writing are more present among the adolescents of the Radeče Correctional Home than among their peers. In particular, we were interested in any specific reading and writing disorders that had not been detected in the past. To determine the presence of suspected dyslexia, we performed a Project include profiler in five adolescents, but no suspicion was detected in the test subjects. We confirmed this finding with a questionnaire, which we used to inquire about the history of learning difficulties in adolescents. We asked if they were categorized as primary students with special needs and what learning difficulties they encountered. Because we were interested in how they deal with the occurrence of specific learning difficulties in the home, we conducted a semi-structured interview with a teacher who teaches there. We found that specific learning difficulties are seldom present.

Keywords:reading and writing difficulties

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