
Pogledi učiteljev in učencev na izvedbo in doživljanje ocenjevanja govornih nastopov pri predmetu slovenščina v 3., 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole
ID Šimc, Eva (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6496/ This link opens in a new window

Sporazumevanje predstavlja eno izmed temeljnih kompetenc, v okviru katere ima pomembno vlogo tudi govorno nastopanje. V šolskem okolju učitelji in učenci veliko govorno nastopajo, za kar so učenci občasno tudi ocenjeni. Pomembno je, da so oboji o tem dovolj ozaveščeni, saj znanje o govornem nastopanju pripomore k izboljšanju in nadgradnji te veščine. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili retoriko in govorno nastopanje ter načela in faze, ki vplivajo na uspešen govorni nastop. Iz učnih načrtov smo predstavili posamezne sklope, ki omogočajo razvijanje govorne sposobnosti, in opisali merila za vrednotenje govornih nastopov. Omenili pa smo tudi čustva, ki se pojavljajo med govornim nastopanjem. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo dveh spletnih anketnih vprašalnikov raziskali učiteljev in učenčev pogled na izvedbo in doživljanje ocenjevanja govornih nastopov pri predmetu slovenščina v 3., 4. in 5. razredu. Osredinili smo se na pomembnost, pogostost, vključenost kriterijev in na doživljanje ocenjevanja govornih nastopov pri predmetu slovenščina ter na prisotnost ocenjevanja govornih nastopov pri drugih šolskih predmetih. Raziskava je bila kvantitativna, vzorec pa neslučajnostni in namenski. V njem je sodelovalo 175 učiteljev in 150 učencev iz različnih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da med odgovori učiteljev in učencev ni veliko statistično pomembnih razlik. Obojim se zdi ocenjevanje govornih nastopov pomembno, čemur v povprečju pripisujejo dve oceni letno, tudi glede vključitve kriterijev v oceno so si precej enotni, njihova čustva pa se med ocenjevanjem razlikujejo, razlikujejo se tudi njihovi pogledi na ocenjevanje pri drugih šolskih predmetih. Dobljeni podatki so uporabni za vse učitelje razrednega pouka in tudi druge pedagoge, ki želijo biti ozaveščeni z različnimi učiteljevimi in učenčevimi mnenji, saj tako lahko spremenijo oziroma izboljšajo svoje dosedanje delo na področju ocenjevanja govornih nastopov učencev pri predmetu slovenščina, pa tudi pri drugih šolskih predmetih.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121646 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:33262851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Views of primary teachers and students on the implementation of and experience with the assessment of oral performance in the third, fourth and fifth grades in the subject Slovene
Communication is one of the core competences and at the heart of it is public speaking. In the school environment, teachers and pupils alike train public speaking, with pupils sometimes being graded for it. It is important for both parties to be well-informed, as the knowledge about public speaking helps to improve and upgrade this skill. In the theoretical part of the thesis we have established rhetoric and public speaking, with regards to principles and phases that constitute a successful speech performance. From curricula, we have selected specific sets, that enable development of vocal technique, and described criteria for evaluation of oral presentations. We have also mentioned different sensations that might arise during oral presentation. In the empirical part of the thesis, we have assessed teachers' and pupils' view on execution and experience of oral presentations during hours of Slovene language in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade by using two web surveys. We have focused on importance, frequency, inclusion of criteria from curricula and the whole experience of examination during hours of Slovene language, and the presence of examination during other school hours. The research was quantitative and the sample was not incidental but moreover purposeful, as it features 175 teachers and 150 pupils from various Slovene elementary schools. The analysis of results showed that there are not many significant statistical differences between the answers of teachers and pupils. Both find the assessment of oral presentations important. On average they receive two grades from oral presentation each school year, the level of inclusion of criteria from curricula is also similar, but what does differ are the sentiments during the examination and views on examination of oral presentation during other school hours. This data is very relevant for all in-class teachers as well as other educators, who want to be aware of different views of teachers and pupils so they can develop and improve their own approach to pupils' examination of oral presentations during hours of Slovene language, as well as oral presentations during other school hours.


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