
Rothko, Malevič, Platon (na križarjenju)
ID Jeraj, Juš (Author), ID Dolar, Mladen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zdelo se mi je, da lahko nekaj povem o tisti umetnosti, ki se spretno izogiba besedam in ji besede nekako ne pristojijo, brez da zaidem v romantične, patetične in mistične formulacije. Vse skupaj se je začelo z Rothkom — abstraktnim, nefiguralnim slikarjem, ki sklada veličastne barvne štirikotnike. Te slike gledamo kot čisto prezenco nečesa nebesednega. Ideja se je razvijala in najprej se je pridružil Platon, ki v svoji Državi umetnost prežene. Za njim je sledil Malevič s svojim Črnim kvadratom na belem ozadju, ki je Rothku po definiciji podoben (ista reč v črno belem), a mu je hkrati povsem nasproten: Črni kvadrat je koncept. Iz tega nasprotja se je razvila misel, ki se ne boji ustavljati pri metafizičnih parih: umetnost-filozofija, mit-logos, čustva-razum itd. Preko Wajcmana, Heideggra, Derridaja in Schellinga spor med umetnostjo in filozofijo še poglabljam, toda na koncu afirmiram obe, tako da naloga dobi dva konca. A glavni lik je v resnici Platon, ki doživi zanimiv dramatični lok. Začnemo klasično, z njegovim izgonom umetnikov, za kar mu požugamo s prstom, ga oštejemo in preženemo, a na koncu se Platon vrne. Izkaže se, da je še vedno nesmrten. Njegovo vračanje, ki traja že 2500 let, temelji na določeni dvoumnosti v Platonu samem. Skratka: Dva slikarja, dva Platona in dva konca na ladji, ki se odloča med prvo in drugo plovbo.

Keywords:umetnost, filozofija, metafizika, pomorstvo, platónski turizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121599 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2020
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Title:Rothko, Malevich, Plato (On a Cruise)
I set out to comment on the sort of art that eludes words and finds them rather unfitting, without plunging into romantic, pathetic, and mystical formulations. Everything started with Rothko — the abstract, non-figurative painter who stacks awe-inspiring color rectangles. We view his paintings as a pure presence of something non-verbal. The first to join Rothko was Plato with his notorious banishing of artists in his Republic. He was followed by Malevich and his Black Square which, by definition, resembles Rothko’s work (the same thing in black and white), but is at the same time completely different: The Black Square is a concept. A thought develops from this opposition that is not afraid to stop at metaphysical dualisms — art and philosophy, myth and logos, reason and emotions etc. Following Wajcman, Heidegger, Derrida and Schelling I delve into the dispute between art and philosophy, in the end affirming both and giving the assignment two endings. The main character, however, is Plato, who has an interesting character arc. We start by presenting his position against art, for which we scold and dispel him. But in the end, it turns out Plato is immortal and he comes back. His ongoing return that has lasted the past 2500 years is due to a certain ambiguity in his own thought. So in short: two painters, two Platos, and two endings on a ship deliberating between the first and second sailing.

Keywords:art, philosophy, metaphysics, seafaring, Platonic tourism.

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