
Avtostop kot protiutež glavnemu družbenemu toku
ID Narat, Maruša (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6489/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo obravnava štoparje, ki jim avtostop predstavlja način življenja in se osredotoča na njihovo razumevanje današnjega sveta. Poudarek je na njihovem odnosu do glavnih postavk dominantne kulture (z vidika tveganja, varnosti, odtujenosti, porabništva), ki postavljajo okvirje vsakdanjega življenja zahodnega sveta. Delo sloni na teoretičnih izhodiščih o subkulturah, njihovem odnosu z dominantno kulturo, značilnostih kulture strahu ter njenem vplivu na medosebne odnose, globalizaciji, individualizaciji, (spremembi) skupnosti, potrošništvu ter usmerjenosti k biti/imeti in predstavljajo značilnosti glavnega družbenega toka zahodnih kultur. Predstavljena je tudi zgodovina avtostopa in njegove značilnosti. Namen empiričnega dela je preveriti, kako lahko avtostop kot alternativen način življenja odgovarja na prej naštete koncepte, kakšne so njihove rešitve in pogledi ter predvsem predstaviti njihov glas, ki je v današnji družbi preslišan. Podatki so kvalitativno analizirani in vključujejo 14 štoparjev ter štopark iz različnih držav, ki delijo svoj kritičen pogled na družbeno razumevanje tveganj, varnosti, odnosa do neznancev, individualizma ter potrošništva. Obenem pa z značilnostmi avtostopa in lastnosti štoparske skupnosti ponujajo drugačno razumevanje odnosov, ki temeljijo na splošnem zaupanju v človeštvo. Raziskava predstavi nove vpoglede v alternativne načine reševanja družbeno ustvarjenih izzivov ter prikaže način preseganja normativnih okvirjev današnjega časa oziroma kako lahko štoparji s svojim načinom življenja predstavljajo protiutež glavnemu družbenemu toku.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121572 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32709123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Hitchhiking as a counterpoise to the mainstream culture
The master's thesis deals with hitchhikers to whom hitchhiking represents a way of life and it focuses on their view and understanding of today's world. The emphasis is on their relationship to the dominant culture and its features (from the point of security, safety, alienation, consumerism), which set the framework for the daily life of the Western world. The work is based on theoretical framework of subculture, their relationship to the dominant culture, characteristics of the culture of fear and its impact on interpersonal relationships, globalization, individualization, community (change), consumerism and orientation towards being/having and it represent the characteristics of the mainstream of Western cultures. The history of hitchhiking and its characteristics are also presented. The purpose of empirical part is to examine how hitchhiking as an alternative way of life can give some answers to aforementioned concepts, what their solutions and views are, but mostly to present their voice that isn’t heard in today’s society. The data are qualitatively analysed and include 14 hitchhikers from different countries, that share their critical view on societal understanding of risk, security, strangers, individualism, and consumption. At the same time, with the characteristics of hitchhiking and the qualities of the hitchhiking community, they offer a different understanding of relationships based on a general trust in humanity. The research presents new insights into alternative ways of solving socially created challenges and shows how to go beyond the normative framework of the present time or how can hitchhikers with their way of life represent a counterpoise to the mainstream of society.


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