
Usklajevanje materinske vloge s profesionalno kariero : magistrsko delo
ID Kolenc, Blažka (Author), ID Poljak Lukek, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo doživljanje žensk, ki usklajujejo starševstvo s profesionalno kariero, kar je dandanes zelo aktualna tematika. Na osnovi predhodno izvedenih raziskav in dostopne literature smo oblikovali hipoteze o njihovem doživljanju, da smo jih lahko preverili, smo izvedli raziskavo fenomenološkega tipa. Ta metoda nam namreč daje možnost poglobljenega uvida v izkušnjo usklajevanja, tako kot jo vidijo in dojemajo udeleženke. Izbrane udeleženke so bile stare med 30 in 35 let ter so bile zaposlene matere s profesionalno kariero (oz. so bile v obdobju ustvarjanja le-te). Z njimi so bili izvedeni polstrukturirani intervjuji. Udeleženke so poročale, da so čas materinstva prilagajale kariernim aspiracijam in rešenemu stanovanjskemu problemu, pri čemer jih je polovica svoje želje po družini upoštevala že pri odločanju o izbiri poklica, polovica pa ne. Ko so se odločile za nosečnost, v večini primerov niso doživljale negativnih odzivov na delovnem mestu, le tri izmed njih so doživele neugodne reakcije s strani nadrejenih. Izkazalo se je, da večina mater s profesionalno kariero med obdobjem materinskega dopusta doživlja skrbi, povezane z nadaljnjim kariernim razvojem, saj se bojijo zaostanka, ki ga lahko povzroči tako dolga odsotnost na profesionalnem področju. Formalne in neformalne oblike varstva otrok, predvsem varstvo s strani starih staršev, doživljajo kot nepogrešljive pri usklajevanju. Vlogo partnerja pri skrbi za otroke in gospodinjstvo večina intervjuvank doživlja kot neenakovredno sebi. Navajale so tudi, da imajo partnerji več prostega časa kot one. Odzive okolice (predvsem staršev in prijateljev) na usklajevanje profesionalne in družinske sfere doživljajo kot očitajoče in stereotipno pogojene. Usklajevanje večini udeleženk povzroča doživljanje stresa in preobremenjenosti ter kronično pomanjkanje časa. Ugotovitev naše raziskave zaradi uporabe fenomenološkega pristopa ne smemo posploševati na širšo populacijo zaposlenih mater s profesionalnimi karierami. Obstaja pa verjetnost, da tudi druge matere s profesionalno kariero doživljajo podobne izzive, stiske in občutke kot izbrane udeleženke.

Keywords:usklajevanje, materinstvo, kariera, stereotipi, fenomenološki pristop
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Kolenc]
Number of pages:81, IV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121535 This link opens in a new window
UDC:347.63: 005.966(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:34469123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Coordination of motherhood with professional career
In the master's thesis we discuss experiences of women, who are balancing parnthood and professional career, which is very popular topic nowadays. Based on previous investigations and accessible literature, we formulated hypotheses about women's experiences and we tested them by conducting phenomenologycal research. This method gives us the opportunity for an insight into the experience of balancing motherhood and career from the aspect of participants. The selected participants were between 30 and 35 years old and were employed mothers with professional career (or were in the period of its' creation). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. Participants reported adjusting the maternity time to career aspirations and permanent residence. Half of them already took into account the desire for having children when deciding on a career choice, and the other half did not. In most cases, when pregnant, they did not experience negative reactions at the workplace; but three participants experienced unpleasant reactions from the superiors. It turns out, that the majority of mothers with professional career, when they are on maternity leave experience worries associated with further career development . They are afarid to be behindback because of such a long absence in professional field. Formal or informal forms of childcare, especially grandparent care is experienced as indispensable for balancing between motherhood and career. They perceive the role of a partner in caring for children and the household as unequal to themselves; they also stated that their partners had more free time than they did. The reactions from the society (especially from parents and friends) on balancing between professional and family sphere are participant perceiving as reprehensible and stereotiypically based. Balancing causes most participant to experience stress, overload and chronic lack of time. However, the findings of our investigation are not generalizable to the wider population of employed mothers with professional careers , due to the choice of phenomenological approach used, but rather other employed mothers with careers may have similar experiences to those reported by our participants.

Keywords:balancing, motherhood, career, stereotypes, phenomenological research

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