
Optične lastnosti skorje navadne leske
ID Malkoč, Hrvoje (Author), ID Gaberščik, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Optične tehnologije so zelo uporabne za spremljanje vitalnosti rastlin in vplivov stresnih razmer na fotosintezne zmožnosti rastlin. Pregledali smo članke in objave, ki poročajo o optičnih lastnostih listov in skorje različnih rastlinskih vrst, sevalnih razmerah in stresnih vplivih na rastlino. V eksperimentalnem delu smo izvedli štiri nize meritev optičnih lastnosti skorje navadne leske in v prvih dveh nizih v času olistanosti tudi meritve na listih. Zanimalo nas je, kako se spreminjajo optične lastnosti v času olistanosti in tudi kasneje, ko rastlina že odvrže liste. Poleg meritev optičnih lastnosti smo izvedli tudi biokemijske raziskave, s katerimi smo ugotovljali količino klorofilov, karotenoidov, antocianov in UV absorbirajočih snovi. S pomočjo mikroskopa smo izmerili tudi določene anatomske parametre skorje. Na koncu smo rezultate statistično obdelali, da bi ugotovili ali obstajajo povezave med optičnimi, biokemijskimi in strukturnimi lastnostmi, ki smo jih merili na naših vzorcih navadne leske. Ugotovili smo, da so bile med nizi meritev odbojnosti skorje statistično pomembne razlike, pri presevnosti pa jih ni bilo. Grafa odbojnosti skorje in listov sta se med seboj razlikovala, še posebej pri drugem nizu meritev. Določene strukturne in biokemijske lastnosti so pomembno vplivale na spektre odbojnosti in presevnosti skorje. Znižanje temperature zraka je povzročilo zmanjšanje potencialne fotokemične učinkovitosti fotosistema II.

Keywords:navadna leska
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121527 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32336387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Optical properties of the bark of a common hazel
Optical technologies are very useful for monitoring plant vitality and the effects of stress conditions on plant photosynthetic capabilities. We reviewed articles and publications that report on the optical properties of leaves and bark of different plant species, radiation conditions and stress effects on the plant. In the experimental part, we performed four sets of measurements of the optical properties of the hazel bark and, in the first two sets, also on the leaves during leafing. We were interested in how the optical properties change during leafing and when the plant sheds its leaves. In addition to measurements of optical properties, we also performed biochemical research to determine the amount of chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins and UV-absorbing substances. We also used a microscope to measure certain anatomical parameters of the bark. Finally, we statistically processed the results to determine if there are associations between the optical, biochemical, and structural properties we measured on our hazel samples. We found that there were statistically significant differences between the sets of bark reflectance measurements, but there were none between transmittance. The reflectance graphs of the bark and leaves differ from each other, especially in second set of measurements. Certain structural and biochemical properties thus influenced the reflectance and transmittance spectra of the bark. The decrease in air temperature caused a decrease in potential photochemical efficiency.

Keywords:common hazel

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