
Analiza bolniškega staleža v podjetju
ID Borin, Klemen (Author), ID Schnabl, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urbič, Tomaž (Comentor)

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Absentizem je po Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika definiran kot izostajanje, odsotnost z dela. Zdravstveni absentizem se razume kot izgubljeni čas, izgubljene delovne dneve, ko je zaposleni odsoten od dela zaradi bolezni ali poškodbe. V magistrskem delu je obravnavan zdravstveni absentizem v določenem podjetju, ki se ukvarja s kovinsko industrijo. Cilj analize podatkov o bolniškem staležu zaposlenih v podjetju je ugotoviti glavne vzroke, zaradi katerih so zaposleni najpogosteje odsotni iz dela in opredeliti kaj vse vpliva na stanje bolniškega staleža v podjetju. Primerjati delež bolniškega staleža glede na vzrok odsotnosti s slovenskim povprečjem v podjetjih, ki se ukvarjajo s podobno panogo. Z namenom izvedbe analize bolniškega staleža med leti 2012 – 2018 sem pridobil podatke o stanju bolniškega staleža v obravnavanem podjetju in slovenskih podjetjih s strani Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje (NIJZ). NIJZ je državna organizacija, ki spremlja in hrani podatke o deležu bolniških odsotnosti za vsa slovenska podjetja. Analiza temelji na podatkih pridobljenih s strani NIJZ in internih statističnih podatkih obravnavanega podjetja. V magistrskem delu bom uporabil kavzalno metodo s katero bom ugotavljal vzročno posledično povezanost med pojavi na področju zdravstvenega absentizma v obravnavanem podjetju. Za obdelavo podatkov bom uporabil statistično in komparativno metodo. Za analizo je bila sprva planirano tudi neposredno anketiranje zaposlenih, ki pa se je tekom analize izkazalo za nepotrebno metodo, ki zaradi možnih prikrivanj in posledično nerealnih podatkov nebi prinesla dodane vrednosti magistrskemu delu. Obravnavano podjetje je hitro rastoče podjetje pri katerem je v zadnjih letih opaziti stalno višanje števila zaposlenih, kar ima vpliv tudi na delež bolniškega staleža v podjetju. Povprečni bolniški stalež obravnavanega podjetja za leta analize znaša 3,78 %BS. Med analizo je bilo ugotovljeno kateri so dejavniki in vzroki zaradi katerih so zaposleni v obravnavanem podjetju v največji meri odsotni z dela. Največji delež predstavljajo poškodbe izven dela, in sicer 0,86 % celotnega bolniškega staleža v podjetju. Sledijo še bolezni kostno-mišičnega sistema s 0,60 % celotnega bolniškega staleža in bolezni dihal s 0,38 % celotnega bolniškega staleža v podjetju. Ostali vzroki zdravstvenih odsotnosti zaposlenih v podjetju so še poškodbe pri delu, boleznine, nega družinskega člana, porodniška... Kljub temu je delež bolniškega staleža v primerjavi s slovenskim povprečjem v podobni panogi nižji. Ker vsaka odsotnost zaposlenih iz delovnega mesta za obravnavano podjetje pomeni manjšo produktivnost, oteženo organizacijo dela, čas in strošek so v magistrskem delu predstavljeni ukrepi, ki bi pripomogli k znižanju deleža bolniškega staleža. Navedeni so kadrovski ukrepi, poglabljanje v zdravstvene preglede zaposlenih, poudarjen je namen usposabljanja iz varnosti in zdravja pri delu ter omenjen je problem med zavarovalnico, delodajalcem in oškodovancem. Ključne besede: Absentizem, bolniški stalež, varstvo pri delu, poškodbe, boleznine

Keywords:Absentizem, bolniški stalež, varstvo pri delu, poškodbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121435 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38187267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of sick leave in the company
According to the Dictionary of the Slovene Literary Language, absenteeism is defined as non-attendance, absence from work. Medical absenteeism is understood as lost time, lost working days when an employee is absent from work due to illness or injury. The master's thesis deals with medical absenteeism in a certain company from the metal industry branch. The aim, by analyzing data on the sick leave of employees in the company is to determine the main reasons why employees are most often absent from work and to determine what mostly affects the state of the sick leave in the particular company, thus compare the share of sick leave with regard to the reason for absence with the Slovenian average in companies engaged in a similar industry. In order to perform an analysis of the sick stock between 2012 and 2018, I obtained data on the state of matter - the sick leave in the particular company and Slovenian companies by the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). The NIJZ is a state organization that monitors and stores data on the share of sick leave for all Slovenian companies. The analysis is based on data obtained by the NIJZ and internal statistics of the company in question. In my master's thesis, I will use the causal model method with which I will determine the causal relationship between the phenomena in the field of medical absenteeism in the company at issue. In order to process the data, I will use a statistical and comparative method. Initially, a direct survey of the employees was also planned as a part of the analysis, which turned out to be an unnecessary method that would not bring added value to the master's thesis due to possible concealments and consequently unrealistic data. The company in question is a fast-growing company with a steady increase in the number of employees in recent years, which also has an impact on the share of sick leave in the company. The average sick leave of the company for the years of analysis is 3.78% BS. In the course of the analysis, it was determined what are the factors and reasons why employees in the company in question are most absent from work. The largest share is represented by injuries outside of work, namely 0.86% of the total sick leave in the company. They are followed by diseases of the musculoskeletal system with 0.60% of the total sick stock and respiratory diseases with 0.38% of the total sick leave in the company. Other causes of health absences of employees in the company are injuries at work, illness, care of a family member, obstetrics etc. Nevertheless, the share of sick leave in the company of issue is lower compared to the Slovenian sick leave average in the similar industry. Since any absence of employees from the workplace in question means lower productivity, difficult organization of work, time and cost, the master's thesis presents measures that would help reduce the share of sick leave. Personnel measures, as well as deepening in medical examinations of employees, with emphasis on the purpose of training in safety and health at work, furthermore the problem between the insurance company, the employer and the injured party.

Keywords:Absenteeism, sick leave, safety at work, injuries, diseases

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