
Odvetnikove etične dolžnosti do sodišča
ID Kanalec, Armin (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odvetništvo ne služi samo zasebnim interesom v družbi, ampak mora kot del pravosodja izpolnjevati tudi splošne družbene interese. Pomemben del odvetnikovega življenja in dela so tudi pravila odvetniške poklicne etike, ki so zajeta v Kodeksu odvetniške poklicne etike. Etične norme odvetnika pri njegovem ravnanju v neki meri omejujejo, saj ga silijo v razmislek ne le o tem, kaj lahko stori, ampak tudi o tem, kaj bi bilo pošteno storiti. Odvetnik pri svojem delu vstopa v različna razmerja, iz vsakega pa izvirajo etične dolžnosti, ki jim je odvetnik zavezan. Poleg etičnih dolžnosti do stranke so pomembne tudi odvetnikove dolžnosti do stanovskih kolegov, nasprotnih strank in celotne družbe ter prava. Posebno mesto ima odnos med odvetnikom in sodiščem in temu magistrsko diplomsko delo posveča največ pozornosti. Znotraj tega odnosa se zastavljata zlasti vprašanji odvetnikove svobode izražanja in zlorabe procesnih pravic. Odvetnik mora v komunikaciji s sodiščem in o njem vedno biti spoštljiv, obstajajo pa nekatere razlike pri tem, ali gre za odvetnikovo izražanje v pisnih vlogah, sodni dvorani ali v javnosti. Pri vprašanju zlorabe procesnih pravic moramo predvsem razrešiti dilemo, kdaj uporaba prava postane njegova zloraba, četudi odvetnik zasleduje korist svoje stranke. Pri vrednotenju različnih odvetnikovih ravnanj moramo biti pozorni, da nanje ne gledamo zgolj iz enega zornega kota, ampak da upoštevamo vsa razmerja, v katerih je odvetnik udeležen, in vse etične dolžnosti, ki iz teh razmerij izvirajo.

Keywords:odvetništvo, odvetniška etika, kodeks odvetniške poklicne etike, etične dolžnosti odvetnika, svoboda izražanja, zloraba procesnih pravic, pravosodje, etika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121400 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32248579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Attorneys' Ethical Duties towards the Court
Advocacy not only serves private interests of the society, but, as part of the judicial system, also protects general societal interests. An important element of attorneys’ life and work are rules of attorneys’ professional ethics, encompassed in the Attorneys' Code of Conduct. Ethical norms limit attorneys’ actions to some extent, as they force them not only to think about what to do, but also about what would be fair to do. In their work, attorneys enter different relationships that impose ethical duties to which attorneys are subject. In addition to ethical duties towards the client, attorneys' duties to their colleagues, the opposing parties and the entire society and the law are also important. A special importance is attributed to the relationship between attorneys and the court, which is also the focus of this master's thesis. Within this relationship, questions regarding the attorneys’ freedom of speech and the abuse of procedural rights arise. When communicating with or about the court, attorneys must always be respectful; however, there are certain differences in their expression if the communication takes form of written application, is established in the courtroom or is public. When it comes to the abuse of procedural rights, we have to address the question when the use of the law turns into its abuse even if attorneys work for the benefit of their client. When evaluating attorneys' actions, we have to be attentive not to address them only from one perspective, but to consider all relationships the attorneys are involved in and all ethical duties that stem from these relationships.

Keywords:advocacy, attorneys’ ethics, Attorneys' Code of Conduct, ethical duties of attorneys, freedom of speech, abuse of procedural rights, judicial system, ethics

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