
Gibanje neuvrščenih: konflikti med Jugoslavijo in Kubo
ID Springer, Katja (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Začetki gibanja neuvrščenih segajo v leto 1961, tistega leta se je namreč v Beogradu odvila prva konferenca gibanja. Veliko vlogo pri nastanku organizacije so imeli Tito, Naser, Nkrumah, Nehru in Sukarno, želeli so ustanoviti gibanje, ki se ne bi blokovsko opredeljevalo, temveč bi stalo na svojih političnih temeljih. Cilji gibanja so bili predvsem gospodarske narave, saj so bile članice predvsem države iz tretjega sveta, ki pa so želele postati del mednarodnega političnega sistema, preko katerega bi sprejemale pomembne politične odločitve. Kljub proti-blokovski usmeritvi gibanja so v gibanje prodrli nazori Sovjetske zveze in ZDA njuni konflikti pa so se prenesli na države članice. Spori so se zaradi drugačne gospodarske usmeritve pojavili tudi med zagovornico neuvrščenosti Jugoslavijo in med zagovornico sovjetskih nazorov - Kubo. Obe državi sta imeli željo po prevladi nad gibanjem, saj sta neuvrščene želeli približati svojim nazorom. Kuba je želela, da se gibanje poveže s Sovjetsko zvezo, saj naj bi bila edini naravni zaveznik gibanja. Obsojala je tudi kakršnokoli sodelovanje z ZDA. Jugoslavija se na drugi strani zaradi spora s SZ ni želela povezati z vzhodnim blokom, ampak je želela poiskati zaveznike v drugih državah in se z njimi gospodarsko povezati. V pričujoči magistrski nalogi se bomo preko pregleda posameznih konferenc podrobneje seznanili s posameznimi spori in jih poskušali pojasniti. Mediji so o samem gibanju in konferencah redno poročali. Veliko so poročali o odločitvah neuvrščenih ter o uspešnosti in enotnosti gibanja. Le malo pa so pisali o sporih med članicami, še posebej pa je bilo težko zaslediti neposredno omembo spora med Jugoslavijo in Kubo. Po napisanem lahko tako sklepamo, da javnost ni vedela oziroma ni smela izvedeti o notranjih konfliktih v gibanju, saj bi se lahko zamajala predstava o enotnosti gibanja neuvrščenih.

Keywords:Neuvrščeni, Kuba, Jugoslavija, konflikt, hladna vojna, Sovjetska zveza, ZDA, mediji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121387 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37167107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Non-Aligned Movement: Conflicts between Yugoslavia and Cuba
The beginnings of the Non-Aligned Movement date back to 1961, when the first conference of the movement was held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Tito, Naser, Nkrumah, Nehru and Sukarno played an important role in the formation of the organisation. They wanted to start a movement which would stand on its own politically and not align itself with or against any major power bloc. The goals of the movement were primarily economically oriented, since the members were mainly Third World Countries that wanted to become a part of the international political system through which they could make important political decisions. Despite the anti-bloc standpoint of the movement, the views held by the Soviet Union and the United States of America started to seep through and so their conflicts passed on to the member countries. Due to a different economic orientation, disputes also arose between Yugoslavia, the proponent of non-alignment, and Cuba, the proponent of Soviet views. Both countries had a desire to dominate the movement, because they wanted to bring the other non-aligned countries’ views closer to theirs. Cuba wanted the movement to align itself with the Soviet Union, since it was supposed to be the only natural ally to the movement. Cuba also condemned any cooperation with the United States. Yugoslavia, on the other hand, did not want to align itself with the Eastern Bloc because of a dispute with the Soviet Union, but instead wanted to seek allies in other countries in order to establish an economic connection. This master's thesis describes in detail and tries to clarify the individual disputes through an overview of several conferences. The media regularly reported on the conferences and the movement itself. There have been extensive reports about the movement’s decisions and also its effectiveness and unity among members. However, not much has been written about disputes between the members, and it has been particularly difficult to trace a direct reference to the dispute between Yugoslavia and Cuba. According to the above, we can conclude that the public did not know or was not supposed to know about internal conflicts in the movement, because that would compromise the idea of the unity of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Keywords:Non-Aligned Movement, Cuba, Yugoslavia, conflict, Cold War, Soviet Union, USA, media

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