
Učne priprave za pouk s taborniškimi veščinami
ID Mlakar, Martin (Author), ID Hergan, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6453/ This link opens in a new window

V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo povzeli zgodovino svetovne taborniške organizacije, zveze tabornikov Slovenije, našteli taborniška načela poučevanja in opisali delovanje taborniških rodov. Opredelili smo učenje na prostem, našteli in opisali morebitne zadržke in pomisleke učiteljev glede tega ter povzeli njegove pozitivne učinke na učitelje in učence. Prav tako smo našteli pozitivne učinke gibanja, igre med poukom in igre na prostem; kako to vpliva na razvoj otrok, na njihovo pozornost in vedenje. Našteli smo tudi pomisleke učiteljev glede pouka in iger na prostem. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo izdelali model učnih priprav za obravnavo taborniških veščin, ki so ga taborniški vodniki skupine MČ iz Spodnje Idrije preizkusili in ocenili. Model obravnave taborniških veščin je pregledalo in komentiralo tudi deset razrednih učiteljev iz treh javnih osnovnih šol ter učiteljica iz šole s prilagojenim programom. Učitelji so vse dejavnosti v pripravah komentirali in ocenili, kako verjetno bi jih sami uporabili v razredu. V magistrskem delu smo poskušali ugotoviti, ali je taborniškim vodnikom, ki vodijo taborniške skupine MČ, model s predlaganimi učnimi pripravami v pomoč in v kolikšni meri. Ugotavljali smo, na katere dejavnosti se učenci – taborniki najbolje odzivajo in katere so jim najbolj všeč. Ugotavljali smo, zakaj učenci za prostočasno dejavnost izberejo tabornike ter kako učitelji razrednega pouka ocenjujejo in komentirajo predlagane dejavnosti za uporabo pri rednem pouku. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da taborniški vodniki, ki vodijo skupine MČ, večinoma ocenjujejo priprave kot uporabne. Taborniki MČ so se najbolje odzvali na gibalne dejavnosti in na dejavnosti, ki jih dojemajo kot tvegane, kot na primer lokostrelstvo. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se je po izvedbi dejavnosti razlog za obiskovanje tabornikov pri učencih spremenil. Prej so hodili h tabornikom predvsem zaradi drugih in zaradi taborjenja, potem pa predvsem zaradi igre in zaradi znanja. Učitelji so dejavnosti v pripravah ocenili pozitivno. Predvsem so komentirali, da bi dejavnosti razširili, da se jim nekatere dejavnosti zdijo nevarne, večinoma pa dobro zastavljene.

Keywords:učenje na prostem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121356 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30968579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Lesson plans to teach scout skills
In the theoretical part of this master's degree we summarize the history of the World scout organization, of the Slovenian scout organization, we list the scout principles of teaching and describe the functioning of the scout clans. We define outdoor learning, list and decribe possible teachers' barriers and doubts regarding outdoor learning and summarize its positive effects on students and teachers. We also list the benefits of movement, play involving movement in the classroom and outdoor play; how it affects children's development, their attention and their behavior. We also list the doubts that some teachers feel concerning outdoor learning and play. In the empirical part of the master's thesis we create a model of lesson plans for teaching scout skills that scout leaders of the MČ age group from Spodnja Idrija executed and evaluated. The model was then overviewed and commented on by ten elementary school teachers from three public elementary schools and a teacher from a school with adapted programme. They rated and commented on the activities in the lesson plans, based on the probability of how likely they would use it in the classroom. In the master's thesis we try to answer whether the scout leaders who lead weekly meetings find the model of lesson plans useful for doing scout skills and to what degree. We were also interested in what activities the MČ scouts found most interesting and which one engaged them the most. We were also interested in why students pick scouts for their free time activity and how elementary school teachers rate and comment the suggested activities for use during regular classes. In our research we found out that scout leaders, who lead MČ scout groups, find the lesson plans useful. MČ scouts best responded to activities that involved movement and to the activities they perceived as risky, archery for example. We also discovered that the reasons why MČ scouts visited scouts changed after we implemented the activities in the lesson plans. Before, they visited scouts mostly because of others and because of camping, later because of play and knowledge. Teachers mostly reviewed the activities in the lesson plans positively. They mostly commented that they would expand the activities, that some activities seem dangerous and that most are well prepared

Keywords:outdoor learning

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