
Racionalna izbira partnerskih akterjev v interesni sferi: analiza stroškov in koristi širitvene politike Evropske unije vis-à-vis zunanjih politik drugih zunanjih akterjev na Zahodnem Balkanu : cost-benefit analysis of the European Union enlargement policy vis-à-vis other external actorsʹ foreign policies in the Western Balkans
ID Ožeg, Viktor (Author), ID Bojinović Fenko, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na Zahodni Balkan (ZB) je navkljub njegovi turbulentni zgodovini interesne sfere, na katero vplivajo zunanje velike sile, v zadnjih 20 letih najbolj dosledno in intenzivno vplivala Evropska unija (EU) – zunanjepolitični akter sui generis. S širitveno politiko je EU sebi in državam ZB omogočila partnerstvo. Vendar je tehnokratski pristopni proces k EU zmanjšal učinek članstva v EU kot zlatega korenčka. Poleg tega so visoka stopnja brezposelnosti, splošno nezaupanje v upravljanje in v pravno državo ter nerešeni meddržavni spori na ZB ustvarili odprto »igrišče« za druge zunanje akterje (zlasti neZahodne), da ponudijo koristno alternativo državam ZB, hkrati pa poskušajo doseči lastne zunanjepolitične cilje. Cilj te magistrske naloge je torej preveriti uporabo racionalne izbire pri zunanjepolitičnih akcijah partnerskih akterjev v interesnem področju, ko se pojavi pri zunanjimi akterji tekmovanje. V tem konkretnem primeru se osredotočam na analizo sprememb stroškov in koristi pristopnega proces k EU za države ZB in za EU v smislu ekonomskih, varnostnih, identitetnih interesov in domačih učinkov. Naloga dokazuje, da so notranje in zunanje krize, ki so prizadele EU, privedle do padca koristi partnerstva med EU in ZB ne samo za države ZB, ampak tudi za samo EU. Te razmere so omogočile, da so ruske, kitajske in turške ugodnosti (zlasti ekonomske), ki jih ti zunanji akterji ponujajo državam ZB, vsaj kratkoročno postale enakovredne alternative partnerstvu z EU.

Keywords:interesna sfera, Zahodni Balkan, Evropska unija, zunanji akterji, zunanja politika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Ožeg]
Number of pages:106 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121299 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35570691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2020
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Title:Rational choice of partner actors in an interest sphere: cost-benefit analysis of the European Union enlargement policy vis-à-vis other external actors’ foreign policies in the Western Balkans : analiza stroškov in koristi širitvene politike Evropske unije vis-à-vis zunanjih politik drugih zunanjih akterjev na Zahodnem Balkanu
Despite having a turbulent history as an interest sphere of external Great powers, the Western Balkans (WB) has been during the last twenty years most consistently and intensively influenced by the European Union (EU) – a sui generis foreign policy actor. EU’s enlargement policy enabled EU-WB states partnership. However, the technocratic EU accession process has diminished the effect of EU membership as a golden carrot. Additionally, high unemployment rates, general distrust in governance and the rule of law and unresolved inter-state disputes in the WB have created an open “playground” for other external actors (particularly non-Western) to offer a beneficial alternative to the WB states while at the same time trying to achieve their own foreign policy goals. Therefore, the goal of this master’s thesis is to verify the application of rational choice to foreign policy action among partner actors in an interest sphere when competition among external actors arises. The empirical focus is on the analysis of changes in costs and benefits of the EU accession process for the WB countries and for the EU in terms of economic, security, identity interest and domestic effects. The thesis demonstrates that internal and external crises that had struck the EU led to the fall of benefits of EU-WB partnership, not only for WB states but also for the EU itself. This situation has turned Russian, Chinese and Turkish benefits offered to WB states, especially economic ones, into an equally beneficial alternative to EU’s partnership, at least in the short-term.

Keywords:interest sphere, Western Balkans, European Union, external actors, foreign policy

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