
Ustna obravnava v prekrškovnem pravu
ID Mulec, Tjaša (Author), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prekrškovnih postopkih se poleg specialnega Zakona o prekrških smiselno uporabljajo tudi določbe Zakona o splošnem upravnem postopku in Zakona o kazenskem postopku, kar nakazuje na to, da gre v prekrškovnih postopkih pogosto za povezavo delovanja upravnih in sodnih organov. Čeprav gre pri prekrških za nekoliko lažje oblike kršitve norm, je ravno tako v postopku o prekršku treba zagotoviti tista temeljna jamstva poštenega postopka, ki so posamezniku na voljo v kazenskem postopku, v določenih primerih so ta jamstva sicer lahko nekoliko omejena. Storilec prekrška pa ne sme biti v nobenem primeru prikrajšan za možnost izjaviti se o pravnih in dejanskih vidikih očitanega prekrška. Ustna obravnava v prekrškovnih postopkih ni predpisana kot obvezna. Namenjena je razjasnitvi dejanskega stanja, ki je bistveno za pravilno odločitev o odgovornosti posameznika, ki se mu očita prekršek. Glede na analizo sodne prakse je izvedba ustne obravnave pogostejša v zadevah, kjer je podlaga za kaznovanje storilcev zlasti opažanje policistov, torej dokazi, ki so bili pridobljeni s subjektivno metodo, vendar mora storilec oporekati tem ugotovitvam prekrškovnega organa argumentirano in, če je le možno predložiti dokaze, ki to potrjujejo. Le pavšalna nasprotovanja pogosto niso dovolj za izpodbijanje verodostojnosti ugotovitev prekrškovnega organa. S svojimi trditvami mora storilec pri sodniku namreč vzbuditi dvom v verodostojnost ugotovitev prekrškovnega organa, v posledici česar bo moral raziskati dejansko stanje, čemur pa je v svojem bistvu namenjena ustna obravnava v prekrškovnem pravu.

Keywords:ustna obravnava, prekrskovni postopek, jamstva postenega postopka, pravica do postenega sojenja, zaslisanje obremenilnih pric
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121281 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32443395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Oral proceedings in misdemeanour law
In misdemeanour proceedings, the provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act and the Criminal Procedure Act are applied mutatis mutandis in addition to the special Minor Offences Act, which indicates that these proceedings often link the operation of administrative bodies and judicial authorities. Although misdemeanours are considered as minor norm infringements, the basic guarantees of a fair proceeding available to the individual in the criminal procedure must be ensured; in some cases, these guarantees can be somewhat limited. However, the perpetrator shall not under any circumstances be deprived of the possibility to state the legal and factual aspects of the alleged misdemeanour. Although oral proceedings are not obligatory in misdemeanour proceedings, their purpose is to clarify the situation, which is essential for the appropriate decision on liability of the individual who faces a misdemeanour charge. According to a case law analysis, oral proceedings are more frequently held in cases where the punishment of the perpetrators is based primarily on the police officers’ observation, which means the evidence is obtained by the subjective method. Nevertheless, the perpetrator has to challenge the findings of the misdemeanour body using arguments and, to the extent possible, provide the evidence justifying them because general objections alone are often difficult to use in challenging the authenticity of the findings made by the misdemeanour authority. The perpetrator uses these claims to raise doubts in the mind of the judge about the findings of the misdemeanour authority. In turn, the authority shall need to investigate the factual situation, which is the very purpose of oral proceedings in misdemeanour law.

Keywords:oral proceedings, misdemeanour proceeding, fair proceeding guarantees, right to fair trial, hearing of witnesses against the perpetrator

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