
Delovnoterapevtska obravnava oseb z odvisnostjo od alkohola, v procesu vračanja na delo : diplomsko delo
ID Plošnik, Andraž (Author), ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gričar, Nevenka (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Odvisnost od alkohola negativno vpliva na več področij človekovega življenja, med drugimi tudi na področje zaposlitve posameznika. Prepoznava, ukrepanje ter rehabilitacija odvisnosti so ključni za ponovno polno funkcioniranje posameznika. Delovna terapija preko uporabe vsakodnevnih aktivnosti stremi k izboljšanju ali ohranjanju izvajanja aktivnosti in k sodelovanju v življenjskih vlogah, navadah in rutinah. Delovnoterapevtska obravnava se pri osebah z odvisnostjo od alkohola pogosto izvaja v procesu zaposlitvene rehabilitacije. Namen zaposlitvene rehabilitacije je, da osebe po ozdravljeni odvisnosti znova vključimo v zaposlitev v skladu z njihovimi sposobnostmi, ki jih v procesu tudi obravnavamo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je spoznati podpore in ovire pri vključevanju oseb odvisnih od alkohola na delovno mesto. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kaj prispeva k uspešnemu vračanju oseb odvisnih od alkohola na delovno mesto in kaj so ovire, ki preprečujejo ohranjanje zaposlitve. Metode dela: Uporabljen je bil pregled literature. Vključitveni kriteriji so bili: objava med leti 2010 in 2020, celotno dostopno besedilo v strokovno-znanstvenih revijah v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, leto izvedbe študije, ki vključuje delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo oseb pri vračanju na delo. Za prikaz je bil uporabljen diagram PRISMA. Rezultati: Po analizi člankov so izšle naslednje teme: prilagoditev okolja (predvsem sprememba in obuditev socialnih odnosov), vzpostavljanje zdravega življenjskega sloga, iskanje motivacijskih aktivnosti za vzdrževanje abstinence in multidisciplinaren pristop. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da zelo pomembno vlogo v procesu rehabilitacije predstavljajo socialni odnosi, ki podpirajo vzdrževanje zdravega življenjskega sloga. Delovni terapevti poskušamo vključevati čim bolj namenske in osebi pomembne aktivnosti, kar je v procesu rehabilitacije oseb po odvisnosti zelo pomembno. Z aktivnostmi, ki podpirajo njihovo ozdravitev in so jim v motivacijo, ključno pripomoremo pri zmanjšanju ponovne odvisnosti. Smiselno je sodelovanje z drugimi strokovnjaki v procesu zaposlitvene rehabilitacije, saj je s tem delo kvalitetno in dolgoročno opravljeno. Zaključek: Poudarek procesov zaposlitvene rehabilitacije je na zaposlitvi, vendar pa s preostalimi intervencijami izboljšujemo kakovost nadaljnjega življenja in preprečujemo možnost ponovitve odvisnosti.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, alkoholna odvisnost, zaposlitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Plošnik]
Number of pages:25 str., [3] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121264 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30813187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Occupational therapy treatment for the people with alcohol dependence in the process of returning back to work : diploma work
Introduction: Alcohol dependence has a negative impact on several areas of human life, including the field of employment of an individual. Recognition, action and rehabilitation of addiction are keys to the full functioning of the individual. Occupational therapy, through the use of daily activities, strives to improve or maintain the performance of activities and to participate in life roles, habits and routines. Occupational therapy treatment for people with alcohol dependence is often performed in the rehabilitation employment process. The purpose of occupational rehabilitation is to re-include a person, after a cured addiction, in the process of employment in accordance with their abilities. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to get to know the supports and obstacles in the integration of people addicted to alcohol in the workplace. We wanted to find out what contributes to the successful return of alcohol addicts back to work and what are the barriers to maintaining employment. Methods of work: The diploma thesis used a literature review. The inclusion criteria were: publication between 2010 and 2020, full available articles in professional and scientific journals written in Slovene or English, the year of the study, which includes occupational therapy treatment of persons returning to work. The PRISMA diagram was used for display of our method. Results: After the analysis of the articles, the following topics were recognized as important: adaptation of the environment (especially change and revival of social relations), establishment of a healthy lifestyle, search for motivational activities for maintaining abstinence and a multidisciplinary approach. Discussion: We found that a very important role in the rehabilitation process is played by social relationships, that support the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Occupational therapists try to include as many meaningful and important activities as possible, which is very important in the process of rehabilitation of people after addiction. With activities that support their healing and motivate them, we make a key contribution to reducing re-addiction. It makes sense to cooperate with other experts in the process of occupational rehabilitation, as this is a quality and long-term work. Conclusion: The emphasis of occupational rehabilitation processes is on employment, but with the remaining interventions we improve the quality of further life and prevent the possibility of recurrence of addiction.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, alcohol dependence, employment

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