In 2017 a two-part plantation was created in a protected enviroment and in a open field covered with a anti hailnet, where we wanted to find out how the protected enviroment (plastic high tunnel) influences the growth and development and some characteristics of the fruit, three cultivars of highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) 'Duke', 'Aurora' and 'Brigitta'. In both growing regimes half ot the plants were planted in pots and other half of plants on ridges, a total of 164 bushes were planted. In spring and autumn 2019 we counted the shoots on the bushes, measured the height and width and calculated the volume. Variable results were achieved at 'Brigitta', which had the largest and at the smallest volume of the bush, depending on treatment. From June to September 2019 in 12 harvests at intervals of about a week were performed, counted them, weighed the fruits, measured the color and firmness. Phenological observation revealed the earliness of the following cultivars: 'Duke', 'Brigitta' and 'Aurora'. The yields were higher in the open field than in the protected enviroment, where they started to ripen at least 1 to 3 weeks earlier depending on the cultivar. The biggest yield among the cultivars had 'Aurora' in the open field in pots and at the same time the lowest in the protected enviroment in pots, due to late ripening, high temperatures and not complete ripening harvests. The coloring parameters were as expected. The parameters a * and b * were negative thus they were in green and blue ranged. For the cultivars 'Aurora' and 'Brigitta' the intensity of the blue color gradually decreased from the first to the last date. In the 'Duke' cultivar, on the other hand, it first increased and then decreased. 'Duke' cultivar had the highest fruit firmness.