
Optimizacija toplotne obdelave jekla PROTAC 600
ID Gorišek, Matej (Author), ID Nagode, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skumavc, Andrej (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu smo se ukvarjali z optimiziranjem toplotne obdelave jekla PROTAC 600. To jeklo mora za zagotavljanje protibalistične zaščite imeti ustrezno kombinacijo mehanskih lastnosti. Osredotočili smo se na meritve trdote, natezne trdnosti, napetosti tečenja in raztezka. Z dilatometersko analizo smo določili temperature faznih transformacij Ac1, Ac3, Ms in Mf ter jih primerjali s temperaturami izračunanimi iz empiričnih enačb. Za določitev optimalne temperature avstenitizacije smo izdelali kalilno vrsto pri čemer je bila optimalna temperatura avstenitizacije določena na osnovi izmerjenih trdot po kaljenju in velikosti prvotnih kristalnih zrn avstenita. Vzorce v valjanem stanju smo poboljšali - kalili smo iz optimalne temperature avstenitizacije in jih popuščali pri temperaturah od 150 °C do 400 °C. Poboljšanim vzorcem smo izmerili trdoto, karakterizirali mikrostrukturo in z nateznim preizkusom določili natezno trdnost, napetost tečenja in raztezek. Opravili smo mikrostrukturno karakterizacijo jekla v poboljšanjem stanju in opisali spremembe v mikrostrukturi pri različnih pogojih popuščanja. Rezultati kalilne vrste nam pokažejo, da je optimalna temperatura avstenitizacije 870 °C. Po kaljenju s te temperature ima jeklo trdoto 677 HV10, velikost prvotnih kristalnih zrn avstenita zrn pa 10 µm. Najprimernejše mehanske lastnosti smo dosegli pri enournem popuščanju na temperaturi 150 °C. Po tej toplotni obdelavi ima jeklo PROTAC 600 trdoto 642 HV10, napetost tečenja znaša 1640 MPa, natezna trdost 2134 MPa in raztezek 9,8 %. Razmerje med napetostjo tečenja in natezno trdnostjo je 0,768.

Keywords:PROTAC 600, dilatometerska analiza, toplotna obdelava, mikrostrukturna analiza, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121220 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31047427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
GORIŠEK, Matej, 2020, Optimizacija toplotne obdelave jekla PROTAC 600 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of the heat treatment of PROTAC 600 steel
The goal of the diploma thesis was to optimize the heat treatment of PROTAC 600 steel. This steel must have the appropriate combination of the mechanical properties to provide proper ballistic protection. The focus was on the measurements of hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. The temperatures of phase transformations temperatures, i.e. Ac1, Ac3, Ms, and Mf, were determined by dilatometry analysis and compared with the temperatures calculated from the empirical equations. For the determination of the optimal austenitization temperature, a hardenability test (sensitivity-to-grain growth) was performed. The optimal austenitization temperature was chosen based on hardness after quenching and the sizes of the prior austenite crystal grains. Rolled state samples were then quenched from the optimal austenitization temperature and tempered at temperatures from 150 °C to 400 °C. On the tempered samples, hardness measurements and microstructure characterization were carried out. Tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation were determined by tensile testing. Microstructural analysis was made to describe the changes in the microstructure of the quenched and tempered steel at various tempering conditions. Results from the hardenability test (sensitivity-to-grain growth) show that the optimal austenitization temperature is 870 °C. After quenching from this temperature, the steel has a hardness of 677 HV10 and the size of the prior austenite crystal grains is 10 μm. The most suitable mechanical properties were achieved after tempering for one hour at a temperature of 150 °C. After this heat treatment, the steel PROTAC 600 has a hardness of 642 HV10, yield strength of 1640 MPa, the tensile strength of 2134 MPa, and elongation of 9,8 %. The ratio between yield strength and tensile strength is 0,768.

Keywords:PROTAC 600 steel, dilatometry analysis, heat treatment, microstructure analysis, mechanical properties

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