
Tehnologija veriženja blokov - naslednji izziv nacionalne varnosti? : naslednji izziv nacionalne varnosti?
ID Voršnik, Matej (Author), ID Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tehnologija veriženja blokov v zadnjih letih vse od vzpona popularnosti kriptovalute Bitcoin postaja ena izmed bolj perečih tem varnostne skupnosti. Veliko držav po svetu (med njimi je tudi Republika Slovenija) v tehnologiji veriženja blokov vidi priložnost za izboljšanje javnih storitev in optimizacijo tako javnega kot zasebnega življenja ljudi. Tehnologija na eni strani obljublja izboljšano varnost informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij, hkrati pa seboj nosi varnostne izzive, ki bi jih pred implementacijo bilo potrebno raziskati in odpraviti. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskal varnostne prednosti in težave, na katere bi države naletele pri implementaciji tehnologije. Bolj podrobno sem se osredotočil na nacionalne dokumente, ki urejajo slovensko nacionalno varnost in raziskal, ali že obstaja pravna podlaga za implementacijo tehnologije veriženja blokov. Po opravljeni analizi se izkaže, da bi tehnologija veriženja blokov lahko Sloveniji prinesla veliko koristi, pred njeno implementacijo pa bi bilo potrebno preučiti možne varnostne luknje in jo prilagoditi posamezni organizaciji.

Keywords:tehnologija veriženja blokov, nacionalna varnost, kriptografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Voršnik]
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121205 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35814659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
VORŠNIK, Matej, 2020, Tehnologija veriženja blokov - naslednji izziv nacionalne varnosti? : naslednji izziv nacionalne varnosti? [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Voršnik. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Blockchain – the next national security challenge? : diplomsko delo
Since the rise of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, Blockchain tehnology has become one of more pressing security issues in recent years. Many countries around the world (including Slovenia) see blockchain tehnology as an opportunity to improve public services and optimize both public and private lives of their citizens. Although this technology promises to overcome security issues of information and communication technologies, it still comes with some of the security challenges, which countries would need to address before its implementation. In my dissertation, I explored the security benefits and challenges of Blockchain tehnologies in terms of impact on country's national security and showed on the case of Republic of Slovenia and its national security documents whether there is already any legal basis for the implementation of blockchain technologies. The analysis shows that Blockchain could indeed bring many benefits to Slovenian security system, but its implementation would need to be sufficient enough to avoid any potential security leaks and we would need to adapt it to the individual organization.

Keywords:Blockchain technology, national security, cryptography

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