
Ustreznost knjižničnega prostora, storitev, zbirke in gradiv za učence v šolah s prilagojenim programom
ID Pogorelčnik, Tanja (Author), ID Vilar, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šolske knjižnice v osnovnih šolah s prilagojenim programom so knjižnice, ki naj bi bile še toliko ustreznejše za svoje uporabnike – učence s posebnimi potrebami, ki naj bi se jim tudi bolj prilagodile. Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri so ustrezne glede na dostop, prostor, opremo, gradivo in storitve ter katere so ključne kompetence šolskega knjižničarja. Da bi dobili dejanski vpogled v prakso in obstoječe stanje, smo k sodelovanju v spletni anketi povabili 28 knjižničarjev iz osnovnih šol s prilagojenim programom, odzvalo pa se je 25 šolskih knjižničarjev. Glede ustreznosti dostopa do šolske knjižnice je v večini dostop ustrezen, prostori šolskih knjižnic so prav tako v večini ustrezno razporejeni in strukturirani za učence s posebnimi potrebami. Šolski knjižničarji v večji meri nudijo učencem prilagojeno vsebino za lahko branje, gradivo z večjim tiskom in prilagojen format za lahko branje. Nekoliko manj so šolske knjižnice opremljene s prilagojenimi pripomočki za učence s posebnimi potrebami. Prav tako v manjši meri nudijo gradivo v elektronski obliki. V večji meri sodelujejo s splošnimi in šolskimi knjižnicami iz okolja. Šolski knjižničar mora imeti ustrezna strokovna znanja, še bolj pa mora znati pomagati, imeti čut za učence s posebnimi potrebami, biti vztrajen, iznajdljiv, komunikativen, prilagodljiv in prijazen. Glede na pridobljene odgovore so šolske knjižnice v večji meri ustrezne glede na uporabnike, a bi kljub temu tudi nekaj knjižnic potrebovalo prenovo, preureditve in dopolnitve. Šolski knjižničarji stremijo k temu in se trudijo, da bi v čim večji meri ustrezali uporabnikom, obenem pa tudi opozarjajo na pomanjkljivosti, ki jih želijo odpraviti.

Keywords:šolske knjižnice, osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom, knjižnične storitve, knjižnično gradivo, knjižnični prostor, šolski knjižničarji, učenci s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Suitability of library space, services, collections and materials for students in primary school with a special education program
School libraries in primary schools with an adjusted program are libraries that need to be even more appropriate and more adjusted to their users - students with special needs. We were interested in the extent to which they are appropriate in terms of access, space, equipment, materials, services and what the key competencies of a school librarian are. To see the situation in practice, we invited 28 librarians from primary schools with an adjusted program to participate in an online survey. Twenty-five school librarians responded to the invitation. The access to the school library was found to be mostly adequate, and the school library premises are in most cases appropriately arranged and structured for students with special needs. School librarians are increasingly providing students with adjusted easy-to-read content, larger print material, and an adjusted format for easier reading. However, school libraries are somewhat less equipped with aids for students with special needs. They also offer material in electronic form to a lesser extent. In most cases, they cooperate with general and school libraries around them. The school librarian must have the appropriate professional knowledge, and needs to be able to help and understand students with special needs, be persistent, resourceful, communicative, flexible, friendly. Judging by the answers obtained, school libraries are mostly suitable for users, but there are also some of them that would need to be renovated, rearranged and supplemented. School librarians strive for such renovations and try to be as user-friendly as possible, but they also point out the shortcomings they want to eliminate.

Keywords:school libraries, primary schools with an adjusted program, library services, library materials, library space, school librarians, students with special needs

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