
Delavnice Slovenskega združenja bolnikov z limfomom in levkemijo kot vir opolnomočenja : magistrsko delo
ID Jurkovič, Marta (Author), ID Domajnko, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kavčič, Matic (Comentor), ID Kvas, Andreja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ocenjujejo, da več kot 32,6 milijona obolelih za rakom živi vsaj pet let po postavljeni diagnozi. Kljub izboljšanim preživetjem posebne zdravstvene, psihološke, informacijske ali socialne potrebe v glavnem še vedno niso zadovoljene. Glede na naraščajoče število obolelih in preživelih za rakom bo opolnomočenje vedno pomembnejše, kar pomeni, da pade velika odgovornost za zdravljenje raka na posameznike same, njihove svojce in zunanjo organizacijsko oporo (npr. društva). Namen: Name raziskave je ugotoviti, ali tradicionalne delavnice Slovenskega društva bolnikov z limfomom in levkemijo, po mnenju udeležencev in organizatorjev, pripomorejo k opolnomočenju teh. Metode dela: Za doseganje raziskovalnih ciljev smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, za metodo zbiranja in analize gradiva pa pregled literature. Ostale podatke smo zbirali s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, ki smo jih opravili z desetimi udeleženci. Za analizo podatkov pa smo uporabili kvalitativno analizo vsebine. Rezultati: Skozi kvalitativno analizo intervjujev so se izoblikovale tri teme, ki odgovarjajo na naša zastavljena vprašanja: opora, doživljanje delavnic in zasnova delavnic. Udeleženci so največ opore čutili skozi informacijsko oporo, emocionalno oporo in druženje, poudarjali pa so tudi vzajemnost opore. V večini so občutke in opažanja na delavnicah opredelili kot pozitivne, pokazalo pa se je tudi nekaj negativnih mnenj, ki so vsebovala nepovezanost in izgubo pomena delavnic. Izražali so željo po pogostejšem organiziranju delavnic z novo vsebino ter poudarili dobrodelnost in glavni namen – »bolnik za bolnika«. Razprava in sklep: Opolnomočenje posameznika predstavlja enega izmed glavnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na odnos posameznika do njegovega zdravja. Vedno več ljudi živi z rakom, zato je podpora društev/združenj toliko pomembnejša. Slovensko združenje bolnikov z limfomom in levkemijo z organizacijo delavnic ustrezno pripomore k večjemu opolnomočenju udeležencev, vendar bi bilo potrebno še dodatno raziskovanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na opolnomočenje. S pridobivanjem povratnih informacij in dobro komunikacijo, ki bi vključevala organizatorje in udeležence, bi lahko združenje dobilo širši vpogled v koncept opolnomočenja. S stalnim spremljanjem povratnih informacij in zadovoljstva udeležencev pa bi svoje dejavnosti lahko razvijali in usmerjali v tiste delavnice, ki udeležence opolnomočijo v najširšem smislu.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, opolnomočenje, bolniki z rakom, socialna opora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Jurkovič]
Number of pages:80 str., [26] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121191 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30577155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Slovenian lymphoma and leukemia patient association workshops as empowerment resources : masterʹs thesis
Introduction: It is estimated that more than 32.6 million cancer patients live at least 5 years after diagnosis. Despite improved survival, specific medical, psychological, informational, or social needs are still largely unmet. Given the growing number of cancer patients and survivors, empowerment will become increasingly important, meaning that great responsibility for cancer treatment falls on individuals themselves, their relatives and external organizational support (e.g., associaton). Purpose: The purpose of our research is to determine whether the traditional workshops of the Slovenian lymphoma and leukemia patient association, according to the participants and organizers, help with their empowerment. Methods: We used a descriptive method to achieve our research goals and a literature review for collecting and analyzing data. Other data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 participants. For data analysis we used a qualitative content analysis. Results: Through a qualitative analysis of the interviews, 3 topics were formed that answer our questions: support, workshop experience and workshop plan. Participants felt the most support through information support, emotional support, and socializing, they also emphasized the mutual support. In most cases, the feelings and observations at the workshops were positive, but some negative opinions were shown, which included incoherence and loss of meaning regarding workshops. They expressed the desire for more frequent organization of workshops with new content and emphasized charitableness and the main purpose of the workshops – »patient for patient«. Discussion and conclusion: Empowerment is one of the main factors influencing an individual's attitude towards their helath. More people are living with cancer, so the support of societies/associations is all the more important. The Slovenian association of patients with lymphoma and leukemia crucially contributes to the greater empowerment of participants’ trough workshops, but further research into the factors influencing empowerment would be needed. By gaining feedback and good communication involving organizers and participants, the association could gain a broader insight into the concept of empowerment. By constantly monitoring the feedback and satisfaction of the participants, they could develop and direct their activities towards workshops that empower the participants.

Keywords:master's theses, nursing care, empowerment, cancer patients, social support

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