
Kantov pojem substance
ID Kralj, Nejc (Author), ID Kobe, Zdravko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predmet proučevanja diplomske naloge je pojem substance, ki ga Kant pod močnim vplivom raznih filozofskih šol – kot je Leibniz-Wolffova – razvija od zgodnjega predkritičnega obdobja do svojih kritičnih del, kjer doseže svojo najbolj znano obliko v Analitiki načel Kritike čistega uma. Diplomska naloga raziskuje zgodovino kritičnega pojma substance pri Kantu, njegova umeščenost v prvo Kritiko in povezanost s Kantovo teorijo kavzalnosti, skozi katero je pojem razvit, njegov znanstveni pomen kot temelj empiričnega pojma materije in končno odnos do obeh čistih zorov čutnosti. Pojem substance je razvit najprej v splošni formi, kot se zastavlja v Kritiki, nato kakor se kaže v zunanjem čutu, kako se kaže v notranjem, in končno v njegovi relaciji do ideje znanosti in pojma naravnega zakona.

Keywords:Substanca, materija, duša, zakon, čas.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121182 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82543619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Kant's Concept of Substance
The subject of the thesis is the concept of substance, which Kant, under the strong influence of various philosophical schools – such as the Leibniz-Wolff school – develops from the early precritical period to his critical works, reaching its most famous form in the Analytics of Principles of Critique of Pure Reason. The thesis explores the history of Kant's critical concept of substance, its place in the first Critique and its connection with Kant's theory of causality, through which the concept is developed, its scientific significance as the foundation of the empirical concept of matter and finally the relation to both pure senses. The concept of substance is developed first in general form, as set out in Critique, then as it is manifested in the external sense, as it is manifested in the internal sense, and finally in its relation to the idea of science and the concept of natural law.

Keywords:Substance, matter, soul, law, time.

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