It is common knowledge that physical inactivity of population is becoming a crucial factor for development of several chronical non-infectious diseases which are one of the most common causes of death nowadays. At the same time people are becoming more and more aware of positive effects of physical exercise for our health and fitness/well-being. Therefore it is very important for every individual to find a physical activity that fits him/her the best.
The purpose of this research was to find all reasons why people are participating in group exercises at Tabor Sports Association. The participants of our research took classes in aerobics, pilates, »boot camp«, exercise for elderly, yoga and functional exercise. There were 126 adults included in this survey; 19 male members and 107 female members of Tabor Sports Association, who were participating in at least one of group exercises mentioned above in the year 2019/2020. With our survey we collected all the information we needed. To find differences between particular exercise groups, we used Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test. With factor analysis we got some more distinctive results/reasons for each type of exercise separately. For aerobics the reasons were related to better well-being and improvement of physical condition-fitness. Pilates is interesting for people for similar reasons- improvement of physical condition and as well socializing with their friends at group exercises. Members of Tabor Sports Association are deciding to take »boot camp« classes especially to re-shape their body, while exercise for elderly is being a popular option especially to improve their general health. For yoga classes factor analysis showed reasons related to mobility improvement and increased body awareness. For functional training the main goal of our participants is body reshaping and weight loss. With the help of results of our research the management of Tabor Sports Association (as well with all other training centres with similar training programs) can make training plans adjusted to different target groups.