
Termodinamična analiza kompozita na osnovi aluminija
ID Zatković, Jan (Author), ID Medved, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izbira pravih materialov je inženirjem vedno predstavljala izziv. Kompozitni materiali ponujajo alternativo pri izbiri pravega materiala za uspešno izvedbo inženirskih načrtov. Aluminij pa se zaradi svojih fizikalnih, kemijskih in izdelovalnih lastnosti izkaže kot odlična izbira za matrico v takšnih kompozitih. Namen diplomskega dela je bil določitev, izdelava in analiza možnega kompozitnega materiala na osnovi aluminija. Izdelali smo dva vzorca, ki sta imela enako načrtovano sestavo (15,5 mas. % Mg2Si). Pri prvem vzorcu smo v predzlitino AlSi12 legirali magnezij, drugi vzorec smo izdelali iz čistih surovin. Oba vzorca smo analizirali z enostavno termično analizo in diferenčno vrstično kalorimetrijo, ter preučili njihovo mikrostrukturo s pomočjo optične in vrstične elektronske mikroskopije. Oba vzorca sta sestavljena iz primarnih faz Mg2Si in ?-Al ter evtektika (?-Al + Mg2Si). Primerno strukturo kompozita kaže vzorec 2, kjer je matrica ojačana s primarnimi delci Mg2Si.

Keywords:AMC-Kompoziti na osnovi aluminija, enostavna termična analiza, diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija, termodinamično ravnotežje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121128 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31189251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2020
ZATKOVIĆ, Jan, 2020, Termodinamična analiza kompozita na osnovi aluminija [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Thermodynamic analysis of aluminium matrix composite
Choosing the right materials has always been a challenge for engineers. Composite materials offer an alternative in choosing the right material for the successful execution of engineering plans. Aluminum, however, proves to be an excellent choice for a matrix in such composites due to its physical, chemical and fabrication properties. The purpose of the diploma work was to determine, manufacture and analyze a possible composite material based on aluminum. Two samples with the same design composition (15.5 wt.% Mg2Si) were prepared. In the first sample, magnesium was alloyed into the AlSi12 pre-alloy, and the second sample was made from pure raw materials. Both samples were analyzed by simple thermal analysis and differential scaning calorimetry, and their microstructure was examined using optical and line electron microscopy. Both samples consist of primary phases Mg2Si and α-Al and eutectic (α-Al + Mg2Si). A suitable composite structure is shown in Sample 2, where the matrix is reinforced with primary Mg2Si particles.

Keywords:AMC-Aluminum metal composites, simple thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermodynamic equilibrium

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