
BIM-based on-site investigations in retrofitting projects : master thesis No.: 165/II. GR-BIM
ID Silva, Fernando (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urbančič, Tilen (Comentor)

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) has growing up recently and gained a lot of attention in the Engineering, Architecture & Construction (EAC) industry, as provide a better project and construction management, improving the product quality, accurate material quantity take off (QTO), scheduling and reducing money/ cost at the end of the process, mitigating uncertainties during the construction stage. The implementation of BIM has gained much attention also for Building Information Modelling for Cultural and Heritage (HBIM), including application for documentations, research, conservation and asset management. Usually HBIM is represented as a collection of documents, reports, drawing provided by different professionals and is capable to incorporate both information, qualitative and quantitative, as geometric and non-geometric information, that can be integrated into a single 3D model in a very structured and consistent way. One of the main focus is to develop a 3D model from point cloud by terrestrial laser scanning and incorporate up-to-date non-geometric information, as a nondestructive tests (NDT), minor destructive test (MDT) and monitoring & control measurements. As an output we obtained a unique model, Historic Building Information Modeling (HBIM), containing the 3D geometry, non-geometric information, linked documents and data, and 2D/3D drawings to later on planning retrofitting actions.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, BIM, building information modelling (BIM), building information modelling for cultural and heritage (HBIM), geometric information, non-geometric information, laser scanning, point cloud, nondestructive tests, minor destructive tests, monitoring & control, retrofitting
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[F. Sliva]
Number of pages:XX, 90 str., [7] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121119 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:42446339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2020
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Title:Projektno načrtovanje in-situ preiskav in utrditvenih ukrepov z orodjem BIM : [magistrsko delo]
Projektno načrtovanje z orodjem BIM pridobiva vse več pozornosti ter na področju inženiringa, arhitekture in gradbeništva (EAC) njegova uporaba strmo narašča, saj zagotavlja boljše načrtovanje in nadzor projektov grajenega okolja, izboljšanje kakovosti končnih izdelkov, natančne izmere vgrajenih materialov (QTO), načrtovanje in zmanjšanje končnih stroškov ter manjšanje negotovosti med gradnjo. Uvajanje BIM-a na področju kulturne dediščine (HBIM) je deležno prav tako velikega zanimanja ker omogoča vključevanje že obstoječe dokumentacije, rezultatov raziskav, konzervatorskih posegov ter podatkov o dosedanjem vzdrževanju objekta. Za razliko od tradicionalnega pristopa zbiranja gradiva v obliki dokumentov, poročil, risb narejenih s strani strokovnjakov različnih profilov, HBIM vključuje tako kvalitativne kot kvantitativne informacije kot so geometrija ter negeometrijske podatke, ki so v urejenem formatu na dosleden način integrirane v en sam 3D model. Eden izmed glavnih dosežkov te naloge je razvoj 3D modela iz oblaka točk terestričnega laserskega skeniranja ter vključitev ne-geometrijskih podatkov dobljenih na osnovi nedestruktivnih (NDT) in delno destruktivnih (MDT) preiskav ter rezultatov monitoringa skozi daljše časovno obdobje. Kot končni rezultat smo izdelali unikaten HBIM model stavbe, ki vsebuje 3D geometrijo, ne-geometrijske informacije, povezane dokumente ter 2D/3D risbe kot podlage za načrtovanje utrditvenih ukrepov.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, BIM, projektno načrtovanje z orodjem BIM, BIM modeliranje objektov kulturne dediščine, geometrijski in ne-geometrijski podatki, terestrično lasersko skeniranje, oblak točk, nedestruktivne in delno destruktivne metode preskušanja, monitoring

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