
Moj pes – moj otrok: »Pet parenting« kot moderna oblika starševstva in način življenja : "pet parenting" kot moderna oblika starševstva in način življenja
ID Rogan, Tea (Author), ID Švab, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Starševstvo je pogosta tema znanstvenih raziskovanj, ki pa v različnih obdobjih rezultirajo v različnih ugotovitvah. Prakse starševanja se namreč neprestano spreminjajo glede na spremembe, ki smo jim priča v širši družbeni sferi. Tako družbo danes prežema pluralnost načinov družinskega življenja, kamor lahko umestimo tudi nov fenomen starševanja hišnim ljubljenčkom – »pet parenting«. Ljudje se namreč vse manj odločajo za starševstvo, pogosto pa namesto tega izberejo tovrstno obravnavo hišnega ljubljenčka. Bolj natančno se v nalogi ukvarjam s spremenjenimi praksami obravnave psov, ki danes zahtevajo posebno pozornost znotraj družinskega življenja. Psi so razumljeni kot družinski člani, naši prijatelji in zavezniki, katerim namenjamo vse več časa, vzgoje in skrbi. Z njimi smo vzpostavili odnos, ki ga je nemogoče opisati in hkrati je tako poseben, da ga je potrebno raziskati. Magistrsko delo raziskuje vzroke te povezave, in skuša razložiti pomen starševanja hišnim ljubljenčkom v sodobnem času. Z namenom ugotavljanja sem izvedla kvalitativno in kvantitativno raziskavo.

Keywords:starševstvo, živali, hišni ljubljenčki, družina, vzgoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Rogan]
Number of pages:95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121106 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:34308867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:My dog – my child: »Pet parenting« as a modern form of parenting and a lifestyle : magistrsko delo
Parenting is a frequent topic od scientific research, which, however, results in different findings at different times. Parenting practices are constantly changing in the light of the changes we are witnessing in the wider social sphere. Thus, society today is permeated by the plurality of ways of family life, where we can also place a new form of parenting – »pet parenting«. People are less and less opting for parenthood, and often choose this type of pet treatment instead. In more detail, in this paper I deal with the changed practices of treating dogs, which today require special attention within family life. Dogs are understood as family members, our friends and allies, to whom we devote more and more time, education and care. We have established a relationship with them that is impossible to describe and at the same time is so special, that it needs to be explored. The master's thesis explores the causes of this connection, and seeks to explain the importance of parenting to pets in modern times. In order to get the results, I conducted a qualitative and quantitative research.

Keywords:parenting, animals, pets, family, education

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