
Sinteza 4,8-dimetilpsoralenskih zaviralcev imunoproteasoma : [diplomska naloga]
ID Linec, Živa (Author), ID Obreza, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sosič, Izidor (Comentor)

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MD5: 45E2F359CB1750F407B540DF219F10A0

Imunoproteasom je podvrsta multikatalitičnega encima proteasoma, ki deluje preko ubikvitinskega proteaznega sistema. Zagotavlja homeostazo celice z razgradnjo neustreznih in zastarelih proteinov, zaviranje tega encima pa lahko privede celo do celične smrti. Dokazali so, da se povečane količine imunoproteasoma pojavljajo pri nekaterih patoloških stanjih, kot so na primer avtoimunska in rakava obolenja. Zaradi tega je njegovo zaviranje med najzanimivejšimi sodobnimi pristopi za razvoj novih selektivnih učinkovin, ki bi lahko pripomogle k zdravljenju različnih bolezni. V okviru diplomske naloge smo uspešno sintetizirali šest novih potencialnih zaviralcev kimotripsinske podenote imunoproteasoma. Vse te nove spojine imajo v svoji strukturi psoralenski skelet, na katerega sta na mestih 4 in 8 vezani metilni skupini. Sinteza spojin je potekala v več stopnjah. Najprej smo tvorili osnovno strukturo z reakcijo med 2-metilresorcinolom in dietil 2-acetoglutaratom, nato pa smo nanje pripenjali različne derivate 2-bromoacetofenona, ki so imeli na mestu 3 oz. 4 aromatskega obroča vezane različne funkcionalne skupine. Nekatere od uporabljenih derivatov smo pripravili tudi sami. V naslednji stopnji smo izvedli kondenzacijo, med katero je prišlo do tvorbe psoralenskega obroča. Na eno izmed tako sintetiziranih spojin smo nato vezali še N-hidroksisukcinimid, z namenom, da bi dosegli močnejše interakcije z aktivnim mestom imunoproteasoma. Na koncu so na Katedri za klinično biokemijo FFA sintetizirane spojine še biokemijsko ovrednotili in sicer z določitvijo rezidualnih aktivnosti kimotripsinske podenote imunoproteasoma po njihovem dodatku. Izmed vseh pripravljenih spojin je tista z oznako 18 najbolj zavirala tarčo. Glede na pridobljene rezultate lahko sklepamo, da je za doseganje boljšega zaviralnega delovanja potrebna tvorba aktiviranega estra, ki omogoča tvorbo kovalentnih vezi z aminokislinskimi preostanki imunoproteasoma. Uvedba dodatne metilne skupine na mesto 8 psoralenskega obroča ter različno substituiranih fenilnih fragmentov na furanski del psoralena pa ne pripomoreta k izboljšanju afinitete za vezavo na imunoproteasom.

Keywords:proteasom imunoproteasom psoralen zaviralci proteasoma sinteze kromatografske metode spektroskopske metode
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Linec]
Number of pages:VII, 44 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121070 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3598193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis of 4,8-dimethylpsoralene inhibitors of immunoproteasome
Immunoproteasome is a special form of proteasome, which is a multicatalytic enzyme that acts via the ubiquitin protease system. The enzyme ensures homeostasis of cells by proteolysing of incorrectly formed and senescent proteins. The inhibition of this enzyme may lead to cell death. It has been demonstrated that increased quantities of immunoproteasome occur in certain pathological conditions, such as autoimmune diseases and cancer. For this reason, the inhibition of immunoproteasome activity has become an interesting modern approach to development of new selective agents aimed for the treatment of various diseases.We have successfully synthesized six new potential inhibitors of the chymotrypsin-like subunit of immunoproteasome. All new compounds contain psoralene moiety as a polycyclic system to which methyl groups are bound at the positions 4 and 8. The synthesis of compounds was carried out in several stages. Firstly, we formed the basic sceleton for all molecules by reacting 2-methylresorcinol and diethyl 2-acetoglutarate. Properly substituted 2-bromoacetophenone, with diverse functional groups at the positions 3 or 4 in the aromatic ring were used for preparation of corresponding ethers. Some of the reagents used were prepared in situ. In the next stage, we performed condensation, which resulted in the formation of a psoralene ring. One of the synthesized compounds was activated in the form of N-hydroxysuccinimide ester in order to achieve a stronger interaction with amino acid residues in the active site of immunoproteasome. Finally a biochemical evaluation of synthesized compounds was carried out at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, in which the residual activity of chymotrypsin-like immunoproteasome subunit was determined following the addition of selected compounds. The compound 18 showed the most pronounced inhibitory activity. In order to achieve a better inhibitory activity, the formation of activated esters is required to enable the formation of covalent bonds with amino acid residues present in the active site of immunoproteasome. The addition of an additional methyl group at the position 8 of the psoralene ring and different by substituted phenyl fragments on the furan part of the psoralene molecule however do not improve the affinity of new compounds for their binding to immunoproteasome.

Keywords:proteasome immunoproteasome inhibitor psoralene

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