
ID Bečaj, Matej (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podnebne spremembe kot posledica uporabe fosilnih goriv so eden izmed najbolj perečih problemov današnjega časa. Možen nadomestek fosilnim gorivom so obnovljivi viri energije, ki so okolju neškodljivi. Možnost postavitve lastne sončne elektrarne je čedalje bolj razširjena, saj sta tehnološki razvoj in nižanje cen povečala dostopnost postavitve sončnih elektrarn. Prav tako so sončne elektrarne priljubljene z ekonomskega vidika zaradi ustvarjenih prihrankov. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati tiste dejavnike, ki vplivajo na ekonomičnost izgradnje male sončne elektrarne kot ene izmed tehnologij obnovljivih virov energije. Na podlagi strokovne literature in informativne ponudbe podjetja GEN-I Sonce je v magistrskem delu predstavljena naložba v malo sončno elektrarno za povprečno štiričlansko gospodinjstvo. Opravljena raziskava se nanaša na priljubljenost obnovljivih virov energije pri posameznikih. Primarni del raziskave je bil opravljen s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, sekundarni del pa na podlagi strokovne literature. Zajema stopnjo poznavanja obnovljivih virov s poudarkom na naložbi v malo sončno elektrarno. Iz pridobljenih podatkov je bilo ugotovljeno, da je naložba v malo sončno elektrarno zelo priljubljena predvsem zaradi prihrankov, malo manj pa zaradi varovanja okolja, kar je predvsem posledica vedno večje informiranosti javnosti glede problematike podnebnih sprememb. Na podlagi ankete, preverbe cen in možnosti financiranja je bilo ugotovljeno, da naložba v malo sončno elektrarno ni pogojena z višjim premoženjskim statusom. Magistrsko delo je dobro izhodišče za pridobivanje podatkov o obnovljivih virih energije, naložbi v malo sončno elektrarno in ekonomskih koristih, povezanih z njo, ter hkrati tudi dobro izhodišče za prihodnje raziskave na področju naložb v sončne elektrarne.

Keywords:podnebne spremembe, trajnost, e-mobilnost, obnovljivi viri energije, male sončne elektrarne, ekonomska upravičenost, samooskrba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bečaj]
Number of pages:XI, 101 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121051 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30937603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2020
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Secondary language

Climate changes as a consequence of the use of fossil fuels are today one of the most critical issues. Renewable energy sources, which are harmless to the environment, present a possible substitute for fossil fuels. The construction of an own solar power plant is becoming more widespread, since the technological development and price reduction have increased the accessibility of its construction. Solar power plants are also popular from the economic perspective due to the generated savings, which I discuss in the Master’s thesis. The purpose of the Master’s thesis is to research those factors that impact the economic efficiency of a small solar power plant as one of the technologies of renewable energy sources. The thesis presents an investment in a small solar power plant for an average household of 4 people based of professional literature and an informative offer of the company Gen-I sonce. The research in the Master’s thesis is referring to the popularity of renewable energy sources among individuals. The primary part of the research in conducted with a survey questionnaire and the secondary part based on professional literature. It includes the level of knowledge about renewable energy sources with emphasis on the investment in a small solar power plant. Based on the obtained data, I found that the investment in a small solar power plant is very popular particularly because of the generated savings, but a little less due to environmental protection, which is mostly due to increased public awareness regarding the issue of climate changes. Based on the survey, price check and possibilities of financing, I found that the investment in a small solar power plant is not conditioned with a higher financial status. The thesis is a good starting point to gain information about renewable energy sources, the investment in a small solar power plant and economic benefits, connected with it, and a good starting point for future researches in the field of investments in solar plants.

Keywords:climate changes, sustainability, e-mobility, renewable energy sources, small solar power plants, economic viability, self-supply

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