
Spremljanje in primerjava perioperativnih krvavitev in zapletov ob uvedbi traneksaminske kisline na oddelku za ortopedijo v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota
ID Deberšek, Kaja (Author), ID Vovk, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kovačič, Alenka (Comentor)

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Osteoartroza je najpogostejša kronična bolezen starostnikov. V zadnji fazi bolezni je edina terapevtska rešitev operacija vstavitve popolne sklepne endoproteze, pri čemer lahko pride do obilnih akutnih krvavitev, posledica česar je lahko anemija. Na Oddelku za ortopedijo Splošne bolnišnice Murska Sobota se za zmanjševanje teh krvavitev občasno uporablja traneksaminska kislina (TK). S primerjavo medicinske dokumentacije bolnikov, ki so in bolnikov, ki niso bili zdravljeni s TK, smo preverili učinkovitost in varnost njene uporabe pri operacijah vstavitve popolne kolenske in kolčne endoproteze. V statistični analizi smo primerjali 68 bolnikov, ki niso prejeli TK in 68 bolnikov, ki so prejeli 1000 mg TK i.v. pred operacijo in 1000 mg i.v. približno 6 ur po operaciji. Primerjava skupnih izgub krvi med skupinama je pokazala statistično značilno manjšo izgubo v skupini, ki je bila zdravljena s TK (p = 0,034). S tem smo potrdili učinkovitost TK pri zmanjšanju perioperativnih krvavitev pri operacijah za vstavitev popolnih endoprotez. Število neželenih učinkov (trombembolični zapleti, poslabšanje ledvične funkcije, število izločanj iz operativne rane in punkcij) in čas trajanja bolnišničnega zdravljenja se med skupinama niso statistično značilno razlikovali. Primerjava povprečnih stroškov za zdravljenje v bolnišnici je pokazala statistično pomembno razliko (p = 0,001). Z raziskavo smo potrdili, da TK učinkovito zmanjša obseg krvavitev pri popolnih sklepnih artroplastikah, pri čemer se verjetnost neželenih učinkov ne poveča, strošek zdravljenja pa se zniža. Glede na objavljene rezultate in naše izkušnje priporočamo vpeljavo zdravljenja s TK v redno klinično prakso.

Keywords:traneksaminska kislina popolna kolčna endoproteza popolna kolenska endoproteza izguba krvi antifibrinolitiki hemostaza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Deberšek]
Number of pages:VIII, 47 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121042 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4008049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring and comparison of perioperative bleeding and complications at the introduction of tranexamic acid at the Department of orthopedics in General Hospital of Murska Sobota
Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic disease of the elderly. In the last phase of the disease the only therapeutic solution is surgery of insertion of total endoprosthesis, which commonly results in heavy acute bleeding and consequently anemia. To reduce such bleeding, tranexamic acid (TA) is occasionally used at the Department of Orthopedics, General Hospital of Murska Sobota. By comparing medical records of the patients who were and who were not treated with TA, we verified the effectiveness and safety of TA at operations of insertion of total knee and hip endoprosthesis. The investigated groups included 68 patients treated with TA and 68 patients who did not receive TA. 1000 mg of the TA was administered i.v. prior to surgery and 1000 mg were administered i.v. about 6 hours after surgery. Based on treatment with TA patient groups were statistically compared. Total blood loss was lower in the TA group (p = 0.034) when compared with group who did not receive the TA. Thus, we confirmed the effectiveness of TA in reducing perioperative bleeding at the operations of insertion of total endoprothesis. The number of adverse events (thromboembolic complications, worsening of renal function, number of secretions and punctures) and duration of hospitalization were not statistically significantly different between the two groups. Comparison of the average cost of treatment during hospitalization showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001). Research confirmed the effectiveness of TA in reducing perioperative bleeding in total joint arthroplasty, whereby the probability of adverse events did not increase and the cost of treatment during hospitalization was reduced. Based on published results and our experiences, we recommend the implementation of treatment with TA into regular clinical practice.

Keywords:tranexamic acid total hip endoprothesis total knee endoprothesis blood loss.

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