
Avtobiografskost in izseljenska tematika v romanu Štefana Kardoša Vse moje Amerike
ID Koroša, Ana Mari (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bjelčevič, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava avtobiografske elemente in izseljensko tematiko v romanu Štefana Kardoša Vse moje Amerike. Avtobiografski diskurz je v Kardoševih delih močno prisoten, najbolj pa pride do izraza prav v tem romanu, kjer avtor secira svojo življenjsko zgodbo in skozi literarno obravnavo obračunava z lastno duševnostjo in spomini. Skozi pripoved o dedu Šandorju in njegovem življenju v Ameriki obravnava življenje prekmurskih izseljencev v Betlehemu, politične razmere in zgodovinske spremembe tistega časa. Opiše versko in družbeno udejstvovanje izseljencev in vsakodnevne izzive, s katerimi so se soočali, hkrati pa izpriča zgodbo o dedu, ki ima referenco v zunajliterarni stvarnosti. Z navezavo na dedovo zgodbo Kardoš vpelje osrednji lik K., ki opazno referira na avtorja samega, obravnava realne življenjske dogodke, ki so ga izoblikovali kot osebnost in s pomočjo teh potuje po lastni duševnosti in analizira lastne spomine. Kot namiguje naslov romana, razčleni pomen vseh svojih Amerik, ki so imele vpliv na njegovo življenje in obračunava z osebo, v katero se je razvil zaradi njihovega vpliva. Kraji in osebe, ki jih srečamo v romanu, imajo zunajliterarno referenco, saj opisuje kraje, v katerih je odraščal, živel ali jih obiskal, ter osebe, ki so povezane s Kardošem samim ali z njegovo družino. Dodaten dokaz avtobiografskosti daje uporaba prekmurskega narečja v dialogih in poglavje Stric pripoveduje, kjer se izmenjujeta pričevanji strica in avtorja samega. Roman je zakladnica zgodovinskih dejstev, povezanih z izseljevanjem in priključitvijo Prekmurja k matični domovini ter literarno potovanje po Kardoševih spominih in duševnosti.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, avtobiografski roman, avtobiografskost, izseljenstvo, izseljenska tematika, Štefan Kardoš: Vse moje Amerike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120975 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30250755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Autobiography and emigrant theme in Štefan Kardoš's novel Vse moje Amerike
The degree paper deals with the autobiographical elements and emigrant theme in Štefan Kardoš’s novel Vse moje Amerike. In Kardoš’s works, the autobiographical discourse is heavily present. It is most noticeable in this very novel, Vse moje Amerike, where the author dissects his life story and, through literary treatment, engages with his own mentality and memories. Through the story of grandfather Šandor and his life in USA, Kardoš discusses the lives of emigrants from Prekmurje in Betlehem, the political situation, and historical changes of those times. He describes the emigrants’ religious and social participation as well as everyday challenges they faced, while simultaneously telling the story of a grandfather who is referenced in reality outside of literature. In connection with grandfather’s story, Kardoš introduces the central figure K. who, noticeably referring to the author himself, discusses real life events which shaped him as a person and with the aid of which he travels through his own mentality and analyses his memories. As the novel’s title suggests, he dissects the meaning of each of his Americas which influenced his life. He also engages with the person into which he developed because of the Americas’ influence. The places and people we meet in the novel have a real-life reference, because the author describes places where he grew up, where he lived, and places he visited, as well as people who are connected to Kardoš himself or with his family. Further proof of the novel’s autobiographicality is provided through the use of the Prekmurje dialect in dialogues and the Stric pripoveduje chapter, where there is an exchange between the uncle’s and the author’s testimonies. The novel is a treasury full of historical facts connected to the emigration from and incorporation of the Prekmurje region to its homeland. Furthermore, the novel is a literary journey through Kardoš’s memories and mentality.

Keywords:Slovene literature, autobiographical novel, autobiographicality, emigration, emigrant theme, Štefan Kardoš: Vse moje Amerike

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