
Karakterizacija faz v sistemu Cu-Ni-Sm
ID Lovrić, Tea (Author), ID Naglič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava karakterizacijo mikrostrukture zlitin iz sistema Cu-Ni-Sm. V elektroobločni peči smo izdelali štiri vzorce zlitin z 10 at. % (Cu80Ni10Sm10 in Cu60Ni30Sm10) in s 30 at. % Sm (Cu60Ni10Sm30 in Cu40Ni30Sm30) ter jih toplotno obdelali pri 500 oC. Karakterizacijo mikrostruktur smo izvedli tako na svetlobnem kot tudi na vrstičnem elektronskem mikroskopu, kjer smo poleg opazovanja mikrostruktur z metodo EDS ugotavljali tudi kemijsko sestavo faz. Za zanesljivo potrditev prisotnih faz v zlitinah smo uporabili še rentgensko fazno analizo. Rezultati karakterizacije vzorcev Cu80Ni10Sm10 in Cu60Ni30Sm10 so pokazali, da sta v mikrostrukturi prisotni fazi ?Cu in (Cu,Ni)5Sm. Mikroanaliza z EDS je pokazala, da znaša vsebnost samarija v ?Cu fazi 0,3 at. % v zlitini Cu80Ni10Sm10 in 0,8 at. % v zlitini Cu60Ni30Sm10. Elektronski posnetki mikrostrukture so pokazali, da sta v zlitini Cu60Ni10Sm30 prisotni dve fazi, v zlitini Cu40Ni30Sm30 pa tri faze. Z rentgensko fazno analizo smo potrdili zgolj prisotnost faze (Cu,Ni)2Sm.

Keywords:zlitinski sistem Cu-Ni-Sm, mikrostruktura, mikroanaliza EDS, rentgenska difrakcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120907 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32984067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of phases in the Cu-Ni-Sm system
Diploma thesis deals with the characterization of the microstructure of Cu-Ni-Sm alloy system. Four alloys with 10 at. % (Cu80Ni10Sm10 and Cu60Ni30Sm10) and with 30 at. % Sm (Cu60Ni10Sm30 and Cu40Ni30Sm30) were prepared in an arc melting furnace and heat-treated at 500 ºC. The characterization of microstructures was performed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) microanalysis and X-ray diffraction. It was found that αCu and (Cu,Ni)5Sm phases were present in both Cu80Ni10Sm10 and Cu60Ni30Sm10 alloys. Microanalysis EDS shows that the content of samarium in the αCu phase is 0.3 at. % in Cu80Ni10Sm10 and 0.8 at. % in Cu60Ni30Sm10. Electronic micrographs show presence of two phases in Cu60Ni10Sm30 alloy and three in the Cu40Ni30Sm30 alloy. X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of only the (Cu,Ni)2Sm phase in both alloys.

Keywords:Cu-Ni-Sm alloy system, microstructure, EDS microanalysis, X-ray diffraction

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