
Spol v filozofiji in literaturi
ID Bešter, Mirjam (Author), ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoča naloga raziskuje spol v filozofskem in literarnem diskurzu. V filozofiji je »ženska« tradicionalno izkoriščana kot nesubjekt. Dekonstrukcija je odkrila dotlej neraziskano mišljenje spola onkraj binarnega heteroseksualnega para in tako imenovanega falogocentrizma. Toda vztrajanje pri antiesencializmu je imelo za posledico vedno bolj oteženo mišljenje »ženske«, s tem pa se je tudi feminizem znašel v zadregi s svojim predmetom. Catherine Malabou je v možnosti filozofije prepoznala nemožnost ženske in usmerila prizadevanje k premestitvi te nemožnosti. Skozi dekonstrukcijo in dialektiko je razvila koncept plastičnosti, ki odpira pot neesencialistični rehabilitaciji bistva »ženske« kot negativnega subjekta. V nadaljevanju naloga izpostavlja tri zgodovinske pristope feministične literarne vede k analizi spola v literaturi: »študije ženskih podob« z vidika bralke, »ginokritiko« z vidika pisateljice in »žensko pisavo« z vidika teksta. Vse tri so pomembno prispevale k razumevanju spola v literaturi, vendar se za njihovo poglavitno šibkost izkaže umeščanje vprašanj, ki so v literarno vedo prišla iz filozofije. Obravnava romanov Nočni gozd (Djuna Barnes) in Naša gospa Cveta (Jean Genet) se dotakne vprašanja avtorja v primerih manjšinske literature in nato v romanih poskuša pokazati spremembo jezikovne realnosti in poustvaritev spolne identitete.

Keywords:literatura in filozofija, feminizem, feministična literarna veda, dekonstrukcija, družbeni spol, ženska, Djuna Barnes: Nočni gozd, Jean Genet: Naša gospa Cveta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Gender in Philosophy and Literature
The paper explores gender in philosophical and literary discourse. Philosophy has traditionally exploited the “woman” as a non-subject. Deconstruction revealed unexplored gender thinking beyond the binary heterosexual couple and the so-called phallocentrism. Nevertheless, the persistence of antiessentialism resulted in an increasingly difficult thinking of the "woman," and with that feminism found itself in trouble with its subject. Catherine Malabou recognized the impossibility of a woman in the possibility of philosophy and directed her efforts to relocate that impossibility. Through deconstruction and dialectics, she developed the concept of plasticity, which paves the way for the nonessentialist rehabilitation of the essence of “woman” as a negative subject. The thesis at hand highlights three historical approaches of feminist literary theory to the analysis of gender in literature: "studies of women’s images" from the reader's point of view, "gynocriticism" from the writer's point of view, and "women's writing" from the text's point of view. All three have made important contributions to the understanding of gender in literature, yet their main weakness is the placement of questions that came to literary theory from philosophy. The analysis of the novels Nightwood (Djuna Barnes) and Our Lady of the Flowers (Jean Genet) touches on the author's question in the case of minority literature and then tries to show a change in linguistic reality and reconstruction of gender identity.

Keywords:literature and philosophy, feminism, feminist literary theory, deconstruction, gender, woman, Djuna Barnes: Nightwood, Jean Genet: Our Lady of the Flowers

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