
Erich Maria Remarques Die Nacht von Lissabon im Kontext der Exilgeschichte und -literatur
ID Klinar, Jerca (Author), ID Lughofer, Johann Georg (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Beg v eksil je socialni fenomen, ki se dogaja povsod po svetu in katerega začetki segajo daleč v zgodovino. Od preteklosti do danes ga obravnavajo različna literarna dela. Noč v Lizboni ga opisuje na individualno-subjektivni ravni, saj preko prvoosebnega pripovedovalca v ospredje postavlja ljubezensko zgodbo. V tem se najbolj razlikuje od drugih romanov eksila. Januarja leta 2019 je bila zgodba romana prvič uprizorjena v Gledališču Maksima Gorkega (nem. Maxim-Gorki Theater) v Berlinu. Režiser Hakan Savaş Mican je na podlagi romana napisal dramsko igro, s čimer je opozoril na pomembnost Remarquovega dela tudi za današnji čas. Diplomsko delo podaja vpogled v življenje in delo Ericha Marie Remarqua. Analizira roman Noč v Lizboni in ga primerja z romanoma Transit Anne Seghers in Exil Liona Feuchtwangerja. Poglobljena študija nemškega literarnega obdobja eksila in življenja pisatelja, poznavanje zgodovinskega ozadja ter omenjeni primerjavi omogočajo jasno analizo zgodbe in tehnike pisanja. Noč v Lizboni preko subtilne izpovedi pripovedovalca kritično opredeljuje in opisuje življenja ljudi v boju za svobodo.

Keywords:literatura eksila, Erich Maria Remarque: Die Nacht von Lissabon, primerjava, roman
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Title:Erich Marie Remarques' The Night in Lisbon in the Context of Exile History and Literature
The flight into exile is a social phenomenom whose beginnings reach far back into history. It was, and continues to be the subject of diverse literary works. The Night in Lisbon describes it on an individual-subjective level; it places a love story to the forefront, and does so through a first-person narrator, which is what distinguishes it from other novels of exile. In January 2019, the novel's storyline was staged for the first time at the Maxim Gorki Theater (ger. Maxim-Gorki Theater) in Berlin. The director Hakan Savaş Mican based the play on the novel, drawing attention to the importance that Remarque's work still has today. The thesis offers a look into the life and work of Erich Maria Remarque. It analyzes the novel The Night in Lisbon, and compares it with the novels Transit by Anna Seghers and Exil by Lion Feuchtwanger. A detailed study of the German literary period of exile and the writer's life, as well as the knowledge of the historical background and the aforementioned comparison permit for a clear analysis of the storyline and the writing technique. Through the narrator's subtle telling of his life sotry, The Night in Lisbon critically defines and describes the lives of people during their fight for freedom.

Keywords:Exile literature, Erich Maria Remarque: Die Nacht von Lissabon, comparison, novel

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