
Analiza krčenja gozdnih zemljišč za kmetijski namen
ID Poklukar, Martin (Author), ID Glavan, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glede na dobljene podatke se v Sloveniji povečuje izvedba krčenja gozdov in povečuje delež zaraščenih kmetijskih zemljišč. V nalogi je predstavljena raziskava o poseku gozda v Sloveniji za kmetijske namene. Predstavili smo podatke o izseku gozda po območnih enotah Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije. Poleg teh podatkov smo uporabili še poročila o stanju kmetijstva Kmetijskega inštituta in Ministrstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. Vseh krčitev gozdov v Sloveniji je bilo v obdobju od leta 2004–2018 za približno 11 000 ha površin. Največ se krči gozd na območju Tolmina (16 %) in Sežane (14 %), najmanj pa na Kočevskem in v Murski Soboti, kjer se je v 14-letnem obdobju skrčilo 1 % vseh dokumentiranih površin. Potrdili smo tudi tezo, da so tla, na katerih so bile izvedene krčitve, slabše kakovosti kot ostala gozdna zemljišča. Ugotovili smo, da je največ skrčenih površin z bonitetnimi točkami med 30 in 50. Površina gozda se zmanjšuje v največji meri zaradi kmetijstva (87 %). Podatki kažejo, da se je kmetijska površina povečala s krčitvami gozda, vendar so se kmetijske površine povečale za več površine, kot je bilo izkrčene. Na površino gozda ima vpliv tudi zaraščanje kmetijskih zemljišč, ki je približno enako obsežno kot krčitve, tako da je površina gozda pri nas v ravnovesju med krčitvami in zaraščanjem. Iz podatkov je razvidno, da se je gozd v Sloveniji večinoma krčil v nižjih legah, kjer prevladujejo listavci.

Keywords:agromelioracije, krčitve gozdov, odpravljanje zaraščanja, kmetijska zemljišča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Poklukar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120765 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30296323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of deforestation for agricultural purposes
According to the obtained data, the implementation of deforestation in Slovenia is increasing and the share of overgrown agricultural land is increasing. In our work we represant a research on deforestation in Slovenia for agricultural purpose. We presented data on deforestation by regional units of the Slovenian forest office. In addition to these data, we also used reports on the state of agriculture of the Agriculture institute and Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food. In the period from 2004 to 2018, there were approximately 11,000 ha of total deforestation in Slovenia. The highest deforestation is in the area of Tolmin (16%) and Sezana (14%), and the least in Kocevsko and Murska Sobota, where 1% of all documented areas have deforest in a 14-year period. We also confirmed the thesis that the forest ground on which the shrinkage was carried out were of poorer quality. We found that the most shrunken areas are between 30 and 50 points. The forest area is declining mainly due to agriculture (84%). The data shows that agricultural area increased with deforestation, but overall agricultural area increased more than there was deforestation. The forest area is also affected by the overgrowing of agricultural land, which is approximately the same as deforestation, so that the forest area in our country is in a balance between deforestation and overgrowing. The data show that the forest has shrunk more in the lower parts of Slovenia, where deciduous trees thrive to a greater extent.

Keywords:agromelioration, deforestation, overgrowing, agricultural land

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