
Vpliv namakanja na kakovost podzemne vode
ID Kruh, Alenka (Author), ID Pintar, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega projekta je bil pregled raziskav, ki se nanašajo na tematiko namakanja in kakovosti podzemne vode. Razpršeno onesnaževanje z dušikom v kmetijstvu je ena izmed glavnih ovir za zagotovitev standarda dobre kakovosti pitne vode. Podzemna voda je vir pitne vode v mnogih regijah in preprečitev onesnaženja je boljše kot čiščenje že onesnažene podzemne vode. Zaradi negativnega učinka nitrata na zdravje ljudi obstaja mejna vrednost za količino nitrata v pitni vodi. Uspešnost mnogih proizvodnih rastlinskih sistemov je zelo odvisna od uporabe mineralnih gnojil. Spiranje dušika zaradi prekomerne uporabe mineralnih gnojil prispeva k povišanim koncentracijam nitrata v podzemni vodi. Podzemne vire pitne vode lahko varujemo in izboljšamo tudi s strokovno pravilnim namakanjem. Rastline sprejemajo hranila raztopljena v vodi. Da je pretok hranil nemoten, morajo biti optimalne vodne razmere v tleh, na kar ima namakanje neposreden vpliv. Kakovost podzemne vode lahko izboljša tudi velik dotok dodane vode, ki redči koncentracije nitrata v podzemni vodi. Za različna območja, z različnimi talnimi lastnostmi in različnimi proizvodnimi sistemi, so učinkovite različne namakalne tehnike in metode. Za večjo učinkovitost se mora iz kmetijstva izhajajoče ukrepe varovanja podzemne vode prilagoditi specifičnemu območju. Evropski projekt (program H2020) FairWay preverja nove pristope k varovanju virov pitne vode pred onesnaževanjem iz kmetijstva, med katerimi je potencialno tudi namakanje.

Keywords:namakanje, podzemna voda, nitrat, kakovost podzemne vode, FairWay
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Kruh]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120711 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29767427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Irrigation impact on groundwater quality
The purpose of the graduation thesis was to take an overview of researches which deal with irrigation and the quality of groundwater. Diffuse pollution with nitrogen in agriculture is one of the main obstacles that prevents a good quality standard of drinking water. Groundwater is a source of drinking water in many regions, which is why the prevention of pollution is a better solution than cleaning the already contaminated groundwater. Due to the negative effect of nitrate on the general health of people, there is a limit value of nitrate concentration in the drinking water. The efficiency of many productive plant systems depends on the use of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen leaching, caused by excessive use of mineral fertilizers, contributes to increased values of nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The underground sources of drinking water can be protected and improved by correct and professional irrigation. Plants receive their nutrients dissolved in water. In order for the flow of nutrients to be consistent and smooth, the water conditions in the ground have to be optimal, which is why proper irrigation plays a key role in the process. The quality of groundwater can also be improved with a big flow of added water, which dilutes the nitrate concentration in the groundwater. Different regions with different characteristics of ground and different production systems, require various irrigation techniques and methods in order to be effective. To increase efficiency, the measures of protection of groundwater in the agriculture have to be adjusted to the specific region. The European Project (Programme H2020) FairWay is testing new approaches on how to improve the protection of drinking water caused by agricultural pollution, with irrigation being considered as a potential approach.

Keywords:irrigation, groundwater, nitrate, groundwater quality, FairWay

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