
Profesionalni razvoj učiteljev kombiniranega pouka v kompetenci načrtovanja in izvajanja učnih metod in učnih oblik
ID Lamprečnik, Petra (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učitelji imajo pomembno vlogo pri izobraževanju in vzgajanju učencev, pri vzpodbujanju motivacije in pripravljenosti za nadaljnje učenje, pri navajanju učencev na učenje in pridobivanju spretnosti učenja, pri osebnostnem oblikovanju učencev in vzpostavitvi sodelovalnih odnosov v oddelku ter pri oblikovanju spodbudne razredne klime. V današnjem času, ko se srečujemo z nenehnimi izzivi in spremembami na različnih družbenih področjih, je tudi učiteljeva vloga postavljena pred nove izzive. To še posebej velja za učitelje v kombiniranih oddelkih, ki morajo imeti ustrezna pedagoško-psihološka ter strokovna znanja, zaradi narave njihovega dela je še toliko bolj pomembno, da so fleksibilni ter iznajdljivi in ustrezno usposobljeni za tovrstno delo. V raziskavi želimo ugotoviti, kako učitelji ocenjujejo svojo usposobljenost za poučevanje v kombiniranih oddelkih, kako so se soočali z izzivi in težavami na začetku poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih, katere učne metode in učne oblike so uporabljali, po katerih kriterijih so jih izbirali in na kakšen način kombinirali. Z raziskavo želimo ugotoviti, kako so se učitelji spreminjali v procesu načrtovanja, izbiranja in izpeljevanja učnih metod in kateri dejavniki so vplivali na te spremembe, poleg tega pa tudi, ali se učitelji čutijo dovolj usposobljene za delo v kombiniranih oddelkih. S strukturiranimi nestandardiziranimi intervjuji smo izprašali 12 učiteljic iz različnih delov Slovenije, ki v kombiniranih oddelkih poučujejo vsaj pet let. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, do kakšnih sprememb po presoji učiteljev prihaja v njihovi metodični kompetenci skozi leta poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih in kateri dejavniki na to vplivajo. Raziskava je pokazala, da so imele učiteljice na začetku poučevanja v kombiniranih oddelkih težave pri izbiri učnih metod in učnih oblik. Učne oblike in učne metode so uporabljale manj zavestno in premišljeno z vidika njihovih učinkov. Skozi leta poučevanja so pridobile izkušnje, nadgradile svoje znanje in začele učne oblike in učne metode bolj zavestno in premišljeno kombinirati med seboj. Učiteljice so napredovale tako strokovno kot tudi osebnostno.

Keywords:kombiniran oddelek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29402627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Professional development of teachers of combined education in terms of planning and implementation of teaching methods and forms
Teachers play an important role in pupils’ education and upbringing, encouragement of motivation and readiness for further learning, and getting pupils accustomed to studying and acquiring learning skills. They also play an important part in pupils’ personal development, establishing a cooperative relationship in the department and establishing an encouraging classroom atmosphere. Nowadays, we are facing constant challenges and changes in different areas of society and the teacher’s role is facing new challenges as well. This applies particularly to the teachers of combined classes, who must have adequate pedagogical, psychological, and professional knowledge. Due to the nature of their work, it is very important they are flexible, resourceful, and appropriately qualified for such work. In the research, we try to establish how the teachers evaluate their competence in teaching combined classes, how they faced the challenges and the trouble at the beginning of their combined class teaching, which teaching methods and forms they used, the criteria they applied for choosing them, and how they combined them. We try to determine how the teachers changed in the process of planning, choosing, and carrying out the teaching methods and which factors influenced these changes. We also try to determine if the teachers feel fully qualified to work in combined classes. In structured non-standardized interviews, we questioned twelve female teachers from different parts of Slovenia who have been teaching combined classes for at least five years. We determined what the teachers estimate to be the differences that have happened in their methodical competences through the years of teaching combined classes and the factors that affect these differences. The research shows that the teachers had problems in choosing teaching methods and forms at the beginning of teaching in combined classes. They used the teaching methods and forms less knowingly and strategically in terms of their effect. Through the years of teaching, they have gained experience, broadened their knowledge, and started to combine the teaching methods and forms more knowingly and strategically. The teachers have improved both professionally and personally.

Keywords:combined class

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