
Razlike v prehrani odraslih psov in mačk
ID Farkaš, Manca (Author), ID Pirman, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema diplomskega dela so razlike v prehrani odraslih psov in mačk. Cilj naloge je ugotoviti, kako se razlikujejo potrebe po hranljivih snoveh za odrasle pse in mačke, pregledati kemijsko in surovinsko sestavo nekaterih krmnih mešanic za pse in le – to primerjati z nekaj krmnimi mešanicami za mačke. V ta namen smo pregledali literaturo za teoretične osnove prehrane odraslih psov in mačk ter nekaj deklaracij na krmnih mešanicah za odrasle pse in odrasle mačke, ter jih primerjali med seboj. Ugotovili smo, da se prebavila psov razlikujejo od prebavil mačk v dolžini, številu zob v ustni votlini, delovanju želodca, absorpcijski sposobnosti črevesa in še čem. Posledica teh razlik so različne potrebe po hranljivih snoveh. Po pregledu kemijske in surovinske sestave krmnih mešanic smo ugotovili, da so si krmne mešanice odraslih psov in odraslih mačk dokaj podobne med seboj. Našli pa smo tudi nekatere razlike, kot je na primer prisotnost aminokisline tavrin v krmnih mešanicah za odrasle mačke. Očitna razlika pa je še v vsebnosti ogljikovih hidratov, ki jih krmne mešanice za odrasle pse vsebujejo več kot krmne mešanice za odrasle mačke in v vsebnosti beljakovin, ki jih krmne mešanice za odrasle mačke vsebujejo več kot krmne mešanice za odrasle pse. Ugotovili smo tudi, da cenejše krmne mešanice vsebujejo več dodatnih sestavin (npr. borovnice, cikorija, alge, laneno seme, jajce, itd.) kot dražje krmne mešanice.

Keywords:psi, mačke, prehrana živali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120645 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29816579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Differences among nutrition of adult dogs and cats
The topic of this B. Sc. Thesis is the differences between adult dog and cat nutrition. The main goal of this B. Sc. Thesis is to figure out differences between nutrient needs for adult dogs and nutrient needs for adult cats, review chemically and the raw material composition of some compound in feed mixtures for adult dogs and compare it with some compound in feed mixtures for adult cats. To do this, we reviewed the literature for the theoretical foundations of adult dog and cat nutrition and some declarations of compound in feed mixtures for adult dogs and cats and compared them with each other. We found that the digestive tract of dogs is different from the digestive tract of cats in length, number of teeth in oral cavity, gastric function, intestinal absorption capacity and so on. As a result, they have different nutrient needs. After reviewing the chemical and raw material composition of compound in feed mixtures we found out, that feed mixtures of adult dogs and cats were quite similar to each other. We also found out some differences, such as the presence of amino acid taurine in compound of feed mixture for adult cats. There is also an obvious difference in the content of carbohydrates which feed mixtures for adult dogs contains more than feed mixtures for adult cats and in content of proteins which feed mixtures for adult cats contains more than feed mixtures for adult dogs. We also found that the cheaper feed mixtures contains more additional ingredients (e.g., blueberries, chicory, algae, flaxseed, egg, etc.) than more expensive feed mixtures.

Keywords:dogs, cats, animal nutrition

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