
Vpliv usposabljanj zaposlenih v projektu »Kompetenčni centri za razvoj kadrov« na ekonomsko uspešnost podjetja : magistrsko delo
ID Kirn, Matej (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Umek, Lan (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti predhodne raziskave na področju usposabljanj zaposlenih in vpliv na ekonomske rezultate podjetij. Tako želimo ugotoviti, ali so se raziskovalci že ukvarjali z usposabljanji na način, da bi jih preučevali z vidika vzdržnosti in ekonomike podjetij na kratki, srednji in dolgi rok. V magistrskem delu so uporabljene naslednje glavne metode: podroben pregled literature, metoda analize in metoda dokazovanja (korelacijska analiza, regresijska analiza in DEA-metoda). Za preučevanje predhodnih raziskav in strategij na področju usposabljanj je uporabljen podroben pregled literature, metoda analize za preučevanje projekta KOC, metoda dokazovanja pa za preverjanje hipotez in oblikovanje glavnih zaključkov dela. Glavne ugotovitve so: podjetja v Sloveniji za usposabljanja na zaposlenega namenijo manj sredstev, kot je to povprečje v Evropski uniji; vlaganja v usposabljanja imajo šibko korelacijo z neto dobičkom podjetja; značilnih razlik v povprečni učinkovitosti glede na velikost podjetja ni in vlaganja v posamezne kompetence nimajo značilnega vpliva na rast deleža prihodkov podjetja. Za navedene podatke, predstavljene v magistrskem delu, pa se je kljub vsemu izkazalo, da so izmed treh skupin podjetij (mala, srednja in velika) glede na vložek v usposabljanja najbolj učinkovita velika podjetja, usposabljanja, ki najbolj vplivajo na rast deleža prihodkov, pa so tista iz človeških virov. Rezultati magistrskega dela so uporabni v času, ko na trgu vladajo stabilne razmere, ljudje pa imajo kontinuiteto zaposlitve. V obdobju po prebroditvi pandemije bodo imela konkurenčno prednost podjetja, ki so vključena v evropske projekte, na primer KOC. Poleg tega pa bo zelo pomembno, da bo denar porabljen ekonomično in učinkovito, zato so ugotovitve magistrskega dela uporabne tudi pri načrtovanju bodočih usposabljanj podjetij.

Keywords:usposabljanja zaposlenih, ekonomski rezultati, Kompetenčni centri za razvoj kadrov - KOC, Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije, evropski projekti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kirn]
Number of pages:X, 94 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120637 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29755907 This link opens in a new window
Prešernova nagrada Fakultete za upravo - podelitev 8. 3. 2022 za magistrsko delo, mentor: izr. prof. dr. Primož Pevcin, somentor: doc. dr. Lan Umek
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of employee training in project “Competence Centers for Human Resources development on the economic performance of the company
The purpose of the master's thesis is to examine previous research in the field of training of its employees and the impact on the economic performance of companies. This is to determine if the researcher have already undertaken training in a way that examines them in terms of sustainability in the short or long term. The master's thesis thus uses the main methods: detailed literature review, method of analysis and method of proof (correlation analysis, regression analysis and DEA method). A detailed review of the literature is used to examine prior research and training strategies. Method of analysis for the study of the Competence Centers for Personnel Development (KOC) project, which was carried out in two openings. The method of proof was used to test the hypotheses and draw the main conclusions of the work. The main findings are companies in Slovenia spend less on training per employee than the average in the European Union; investment in training has a slightly positive correlation with neto profit; there are no significant differences in average efficiency according to the size of the company and investments in individual competencies do not have a significant impact on the growth of the company's revenue share. Nevertheless, for data in my model I can confirm, that big companies are the most effective in the group of three types of companies (small, medium, and big) as specified in European Ac. The most effective group of training on the % of revenue growth are training in human resource. Results of master thesis are useful at a time when there is a constant market situation and people have a guaranteed job. In my opinion, the companies involved in European projects - KOC - will be in a competitive advantage in the post-pandemic period that will follow recently. In addition, it will be very important for the companies if the money will be spent economically and efficiently, so the results findings are useful in planning future corporate training.

Keywords:Personnel training, economic results, Competence Centers for HR Development - KOC, Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, European projects

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