
Odnos med naracijo in morfologijo v likovni praksi / Odnos med naracijo in morfologijo v likovni praksi
ID Golob, Rebeka (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muhovič, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Beseda zgodba izhaja iz grške besede mythos oziroma mit. Po Heziodu so bili miti zgodbe, katerih funkcija je bila pojasnjevati človeka samemu sebi skozi obredni dekorum. Mit je vsebina naracije, le-ta je njegovo okostje. Zaradi problematike časovnosti v naraciji – linearno določenega zaporedja dogodkov, ki zgodbo določajo, so umetniki upodabljali en sam ključni trenutek, ki povzema celotno zgodbo – pregnantni trenutek. Toda kako ga upodobiti? Kako ga oblikotvoriti? Kje je točka, na kateri se naracija in morfologija zlijeta v eno, tako da ena brez druge ne moreta obstajati? Cilj te magistrske naloge je preko raziskave naracije in morfologije ter njunega odnosa odgovoriti na ta vprašanja in utemeljiti lastno umetniško prakso. Naracija poteka v času, medtem ko likovna artikulacija poteka v prostoru. Tako je jedro te naloge pretvorba časovne zaporednosti (diskurza) v prostorsko sočasnost (relacije in korelacije).

Keywords:slikarstvo naracija mit Ojdip in sfinga Splav Meduze likovna morfologija likovna artikulacija kompozicija kolaž magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120538 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2020
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Title:The Relation between Narration and Morphology in Artistic Practice / The Relation between Narration and Morphology in Artistic Practice
A word story derives from Greek word mythos or myth. Heziod once said that myths are stories, which function was to explain a human to himself through ritualistic decorum. Myth is a content of the narration and narration is its skeleton. Because of the problematics of time, linearly set continuence of events that define a story, artists were always depicting one key moment, that could summarize the entire story. The pregnant moment. But how to depict it? How to put it in-form? Where is the point where narration and visual morphology become one in a sense that one without the other can not exist? The goal of this magister assignment is through research of narration and visual morphology and their relation, to answer these questions and ground my own artistic practice. Narration is happening in time and visual articulation is happening in space. The basis of this assignment is the conversion of time sequence (discourse) into a space contemporaneity (relations and co-relations).

Keywords:painting narration myth Oedipus and the Sphinx Raft of the Medusa visual morphology visual articulation composition collage MA thesis

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