
Možnost podaljšanja polične kakovosti bazilike (Ocimum basillicum L.) v lončkih ob uporabi substratov z dodatki mineralnih in sintetičnih sestavin
ID Kozole, Andreja (Author), ID Slatnar, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupanc, Vesna (Comentor)

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S poskusom smo želeli ugotoviti, če lahko z izbiro substrata vplivamo na to, kako dolgo bodo sadike bazilike ohranile svojo polično kakovost, ko nimajo več oskrbe z vodo. Glavni cilj je bil najti substrat z dodano mineralno ali sintetično komponento, ki najdlje zadrži zadostno količino vode za ohranjanje primerne kakovosti sadik. Poskus smo izvedli v rastlinjaku Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. Za poskus smo izbrali 5 substratov: kontrolni substrat Neuhaus N3, substrate z 2 cm diskom kamene volne, 20 vol. % kosmov, 20 vol. % vermikulita in substrat z agrogelom. Za vsak sklop smo imeli 4 ponovitve. Baziliko sorte 'Hohes Grünes Superbo' smo posejali 19. julija 2017, sadike smo presadili 24. avgusta 2017, ko smo jih tudi prvič vzorčili za maso vode v koreninskih in zelenih delih. Od 4. septembra 2017, ko smo substrat v lončkih polno zasičili z vodo, do 20. septembra 2017 smo dvakrat dnevno tehtali lončke z baziliko in lončke s substratom pri 25 °C (slednje do 5. oktobra 2017) ter vsak dan vzorčili liste za izračun relativne vsebnosti vode v njih. Največji delež vode so izgubili lončki s substratom z diskom kamene volne (64,96 %), najmanjši delež pa lončki s kontrolnim substratom (59,84 %). V povprečju so najdlje ostale kakovostne sadike, gojene v substratu s kosmi (13,6 dni), najmanj časa pa v kontrolnem substratu (12,9 dni). Opazili smo, da so rastline, ki so imele največji delež vode v koreninskem delu ob koncu poskusa, tudi najdlje ohranile turgor v listih.

Keywords:vrtnarstvo, bazilika, Ocimum basilicum, substrati, polična kakovost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Kozole]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120524 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29881091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Possibility of prolonging shelf quality of basil (Ocimum basillicum L.) in pots using substrates with supplements of mineral and synthetic components
In the experiment, we evaluated the effect of a substrate on a duration of basil plants’ shelf quality after its water supply is cut. The main goal was to find a substrate with added mineral or synthetic components, which can withhold the biggest amount of water for preserving the quality of the saplings. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana. We chose five substrates: control substrate, substrate with a 2 cm disc of mineral wool, 20 vol. % flakes, 20 vol. % vermiculite respectively and a substrate with agrogel, in 4 repetitions for every substrate mixture. The seeds of basil 'Hohes Grünes Superbo' were planted on July 19th 2017. We transplanted the saplings on August 24th 2017, when we also sampled them for the first time to calculate the mass of water in their root system and in green parts of plants. We have weighed the pots at constant 25 °C twice a day from September 4th 2017 to October 5th 2017 and the pots with plants from September 4th 2017 to September 20th 2017 also twice a day. At the same time, we sampled leaves to calculate relative water content in the leaves. The biggest percentage loss of water occurred in pots with disc (64.96 %) and the smallest loss occurred in pots with control substrate (59.84 %). On average, the duration of shelf quality was the longest in pots with flakes (13.6 days), the shortest in pots with control substrate (12.9 days). We have noticed that the plants with higher percentage of water in root system by the end of experiment preserved the turgor in leaves the longest.

Keywords:horticulture, basil, Ocimum basilicum, substrates, shelf quality

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