
Vplivi politične represije na nasilno mobilizacijo: primer Čečenije : primer Čečenije
ID Mencigar, Sara (Author), ID Vodovnik, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo analizira tako historične kot aktualne pojavne oblike in razsežnosti mobilizacije k nasilju v čečenskem kontekstu. Slednja je opredeljena kot eskalacija naracije, ki med interakcijami skupin ''sebe'' in ''drugih'' konsistentno ustvarja razdor, pri čemer se obe v primerljivi meri čutita ogroženi in prikrajšani zavoljo ''škodljivega'' delovanja druge skupine. K nasilju se zatečeta v trenutku, ko je njuno dojemanje lastne ogroženosti tako močno, da se zdi raba nasilja legitimna. V čečenskem kontekstu so se tekom zgodovine izoblikovala tri obdobja nasilnih mobilizacij. Prvo je na nacionalistično-separatističnih krilih rezultiralo v razglasitvi neodvisnosti malo pred razpadom Sovjetske zveze in v dobršni meri prispevalo k razpletu prve čečenske vojne. V drugem obdobju se je nasilna mobilizacija ob nacionalistični ideologiji navzela še džihadistične ideologije, kar je kulminiralo v ustanovitvi Kavkaškega emirata; tretje obdobje so zaznamovali obsežni odhodi čečenskih borcev na bojišča različnih oboroženih skupin sirske državljanske vojne, s skupnim imenovalcem boja proti režimu Bašarja al Asada. Prelomnice, ki so intenzivneje zaznamovale čečensko zavest o lastni prikrajšanosti in izključenosti so obsegale deportacije, vojni, vseobsežno diskriminacijo, tako v ruski kot globalni javni sferi, ter stalno prisotno nasilje in formalno podrejenost. V začetkih so skupino tujih in nevarnih ''drugih'' simbolizirali Sovjeti oziroma kasneje Rusi, danes pa čečenskim džihadistom to predstavljajo vsi neverniki, Čečenom v Čečeniji pa krog sonarodnjakov, zbranih okrog represivnega režima, ki je od Rusov prevzel vlogo ''drugih'' in znotraj sebi sorodne družbe razsejal strah na podlagi brutalnih metod politične represije. Pričujoče delo detajlno analizira organiziranost politične represije skozi čas in njene vplive na nasilno mobilizacijo.

Keywords:Čečenija, politična represija, radikalizacija, nasilna mobilizacija, upor.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Mencigar]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120473 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:40282627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of political repression on violent mobilization: the case of Chechnya : diplomsko delo
This bachelor thesis analyses both historical and current forms as well as dimensions of mobilization for violence in the Chechen context. The latter is defined as an escalation of narrative that consistently creates a rift between the interactions of "self" and "other" groups, both of which feel comparable in feelings of alienation and deprivation by the "harmful" actions of the ''other'' group. Mobilization for violent action occurs at a time when the perception of them being threatened is so strong that the use of violence seems as a legitimate tool for ''self-defence''. In the Chechen context, three periods of violent mobilization occurred throughout history. The first, nationalist-separatist one, resulted in the declaration of independence shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union and contributed greatly to the unfolding of the first Chechen war. In the second period, violent mobilization was linked to jihadist ideologies in addition to nationalist ideology, culminating in the establishment of the Caucasus Emirate, while the third period was marked by large-scale departures of Chechen fighters to the battlefields of various armed groups of the Syrian civil war. The turning points that marked the Chechen consciousness of its own deprivation and exclusion more intensely, included deportations, wars, widespread discrimination in both the Russian and global public spheres, and persistent violence and formal subordination. In the beginning, a group of foreign and dangerous "others" was symbolized by the Soviets or later the Russians, while today, in the context of Chechen jihadists, ''others'' are presented in form of all infidels along with the repressive regime of Ramzan Kadyrov. The latter dissipated fear within its kindred society on the basis of brutal methods of political repression. The present work analyzes in detail the organization of political repression over time and its effects on violent mobilization.

Keywords:Chechnya, political repression, radicalization, violent mobilization, insurgency.

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