
Modna ilustracija v ilustrirani biografiji
ID Slabanja, Živa (Author), ID Bricelj, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, ali je modno ilustracijo mogoče uporabiti tudi na manj komercialen način, saj se jo navadno uporablja pri modnem oglaševanju. Odločila sem se, da jo vključim v zgodbo, s katero bom prikazala življensko zgodbo 98-letne modne ikone Iris Apfel, osebe z izredno zanimivim stilom oblačenja, s katerim izraža energičnost, pozitiven in hudomušen pogled na svet. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskovala modno ilustracijo in njeno zgodovino ter druge podkategorije ilustracije, ki posledično zajemajo moje delo. Predstavila sem pojem knjiga umetnika in podrobneje raziskala življenje Iris Apfel ter analizirala njen stil oblačenja. V praktičnem delu sem predstavila svojo knjigo umetnika, ki prikazuje življenje Iris Apfel. Knjiga je sestavljena iz modnih ilustracij, s katerimi pripovedujem zgodbo, zato so nekoliko drugačne kot modne ilustracije, ki se uporabljajo v oglaševanju. Še vedno je v ospredju oblačilo, vendar sem zaradi pripovednega konteksta morala biti pozorna tudi na razumljiv prikaz zgodbe.

Keywords:Ilustracija Vizualne komunikacije Modna ilustracija Knjiga umetnika Iris Apfel Knjiga Biografija Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120416 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2020
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Title:Fashion Illustration in Illustrated Biography
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether fashion illustration can also be used in less commercial way, as it is usually used in fashion advertising. I decided to include it in a story of 98-year-old fashion icon Iris Apfel, a person with an extremely interesting style of dres, with which she expresses energy, a positive and playful view of the world. In my theoretical work, I researched fashion illustration and its history, as well as other subcategories of illustration, which consecuently covermy work. I introduced the concept of the artist's book and researched Iris Apfel's life in more detail and analyzed her style of dress. In the practical part, I presented my artist's book depicting the life of Iris Apfel. The book is made up of fashion illustrations with which I tell a story, so thy are slightly different from the fashion illustrations used in advertising. Clothing is still in the foreground, but because of the narrative context, I also had to pay attention to the understandable presentation of the story.

Keywords:Illustration Visual communication Fashion illustration Artist book Iris Apfel Book Biography BA thesis

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