
Mladi družboslovci in družboslovke pred prehodom na trg dela : graditev osebnostne znamke
ID Šeme, Anja (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prehod iz izobraževalnega sistema na trg dela je za mlade pomemben življenjski prehod in velik korak pri prehodu v odraslost. Če je bil ta prehod v tradicionalnih družbah relativno linearen – kjer sta šolanju sledila zaposlitev in družina – je danes prehod v odraslost bistveno bolj pluraliziran in fragmentiran, ob tem pa zaznamovan še s procesom individualizacije. Mladi so na trgu dela ena od ranljivih skupin, kar pomeni, da so prehodi v zaposlitev za mlade diplomante in diplomantke negotovi. Prav take so razmere na trgu dela za diplomante in diplomantke družboslovja, ki so najbolj zastopana skupina med brezposelnimi diplomanti. Nasploh so se številke brezposelnih mladih v zadnjih letih izboljševale, vendar pa so ponovno začele rasti v luči koronavirusa, ki je zaznamoval leto 2020. Negotovost trga dela je tudi ena glavnih skrbi študentov in študentk, s katerimi sem zavoljo empiričnega dela magistrske naloge naredila intervjuje. S pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije sem izvedla deset polstrukturiranih intervjujev s študentkami in študenti sociologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Moj cilj je bil ugotoviti, kakšna so njihova pričakovanja glede prehoda na trg dela. Izkazalo se je, da se mladi zavedajo stanja na trgu dela za mlade družboslovce. Tudi sami pričakujejo in se bojijo negotovih zaposlitev v obliki pogodb za določen čas. Obenem izražajo strah, da znanje, pridobljeno na fakulteti, ne bo zadostovalo za pridobitev ustrezne zaposlitve, kar bi pomenilo, da bi se morali zaposliti na področju izven njihove študijske usmeritve.

Keywords:življenjski prehodi, mladi, trg dela, zaposlitev, pričakovanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Šeme]
Number of pages:75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120328 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30613763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Young social science students before their transition to the labor market : magistrsko delo
The transition from the educational system to the labor market is an important life transition, which presents a big step towards the transition to adulthood for young individuals. The transition to adulthood in traditional societies was relatively linear – upon the completion of an education, individuals got a job, and afterwards created their own family. Today, the transition to adulthood is pluralized, fragmentized, and characterized by the process of individualization. Young individuals represent a vulnerable group in the labor market, i.e., the entrance for young graduates into the labor market is insecure. The labor market is also insecure when it comes to social science graduates, as they represent the largest group of unemployed graduates. Generally, the numbers of unemployed young individuals have decreased in the past years. However, these numbers have started to increase in the light of the coronavirus that has characterized the year 2020 so far. The insecurity of the labor market is one of the main concerns of the students that I have interviewed for this master thesis. Employing qualitative methodology, I conducted ten interviews with students of sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences. My goal was to determine student expectations regarding transition to the labor market. My results demonstrate that young individuals are aware of the labor market situation for social science graduates. They expect and fear uncertain employments, often in the form of non-permanent contracts. They also express fear in that the knowledge they have gained will not be sufficient for appropriate employment, which would mean that they would have to accept a job that is outside the scope of their field of studies.

Keywords:life transitions, young individuals, labor market, employment, expectations

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