Heterosexuality is a social norm¬¬ embedded in all aspects of everyday life. It defines many aspects of our lives and always takes superior position over homosexuality, which is why homosexuals are often victims of stigmatization. In late modernity, many social changes have occurred in the field of everyday life, including changes in family life. When the phenomenon of pluralisation of the latter deviations from the traditional family started to occur, it was followed by the inclusion of other forms of family organizations into family context, including same-sex families. The traditional heterosexual family represents only a good half of all family forms in Slovenia. In the thesis I have researched the influence of heteronormativity on the perception of homosexuality and thus on the attitude towards same-sex families. Furthermore, I have presented discourses that are polarized against or in favour of same-sex families and same-sex parenting, and presented the impact of such a family context on children growing up in it. I have concluded the thesis with the presentation of researches which note the relationship and life of same-sex families in Slovenia.