
Pomen VJIU matrike za načrtovanje povezovanja matematike in angleščine v 2. in 3. razredu OŠ
ID Hrovat, Anja (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6418/ This link opens in a new window

Živimo v času, ko je vse bolj zaželeno in priporočljivo znanje tujih jezikov. Na področju Evrope raste ozaveščenost, da je učenje tujih jezikov učinkovitejše in trajnejše, kadar je povezano s smiselnim kontekstom. Tudi sodobne teorije usvajanja tujega jezika vse bolj poudarjajo njegovo vlogo. Način učenja tujega jezika moramo prilagoditi starosti učencev in njihovim zmožnostim. Ker je v zgodnjem obdobju otrokom najljubša in najbolj znana dejavnost igra, jo pri poučevanju pogosto uporabljamo. Da si učenci lažje zapomnijo snov in kasneje prikličejo znanje iz spomina, igri dodamo veliko vizualnega in slušnega materiala ter gibanja in petja. Aktivnosti pri zgodnjem poučevanju tujega jezika morajo biti kratke in pestre, a morajo učence intelektualno izzvati za preoblikovanje idej in informacij, da znajo rešiti probleme, pridobiti razumevanje in odkriti nove pomene. Za učinkovito učenje jezika in vsebine pa jim moramo poleg kognitivnega izziva zagotoviti še zadostno jezikovno podporo. V magistrskem delu so bili oblikovani štirje pristopi poučevanja matematičnih vsebin v angleškem jeziku po načelih vsebinsko in jezikovno integriranega učenja (v nadaljevanju VJIU), ki temelji na medpredmetnem povezovanju in vključevanju sodobnih pristopov k poučevanju. Oblikovani učni pristopi, uporabni za različne učne enote, temeljijo na matriki VJIU, sestavljeni iz štirih kvadrantov, ki se razlikujejo glede na visoke ali nizke kognitivne in visoke ali nizke jezikovne zahteve. Ugotavljali smo, katero zaporedje kvadrantov omenjene matrike je najbolj optimalno za poučevanje izbranih vsebin oz. kako učinkovito je posamezno zaporedje matrike z vidika doseganja učnih ciljev pri matematiki in angleščini v 2. in 3. razredu. Uspešnost učnih pristopov je bila določena z vidika doseganja učnih ciljev na preizkusih znanja, zasnovanih glede na Bloomove taksonomske ravni, ki so jih učenci reševali na koncu vsakega vsebinskega sklopa. Oblikovani pristopi so bili v empiričnem delu aplicirani v prakso tako, da smo izbrane matematične vsebine v angleškem jeziku poučevali po različnih zaporedjih kvadrantov matrike VJIU. Vsak vsebinski sklop je sledil določenemu zaporedju kvadrantov. V akcijsko raziskavo je bilo vključenih 14 drugošolcev in 14 tretješolcev. Izvedenih je bilo 12 učnih ur v angleščini za matematične vsebine: naravna števila do 20, liki, deli celote in poštevanka. Vsaki vsebini so bile namenjene tri učne ure, na koncu vsakega vsebinskega sklopa pa so učenci rešili kratek preizkus znanja. Prva dva vsebinska sklopa smo izvedli v drugem razredu, druga dva pa v tretjem. Vsi pristopi poučevanja, ki so sledili različnim zaporedjem matrike VJIU, so se izkazali za uspešne in dosegli namen v smislu, da so učenci dosegli tako cilje pri matematiki kot pri angleščini.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120300 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28744451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Role of the CLIL matrix for planning the teaching of mathematics through English in 2nd and 3rd grade of primary school
We live in a world where it is very important and also recommendable that we can speak in a foreign language. The awareness that the knowledge of a foreign language is more effective and long-lasting when it is learned in a meaningful context is rising in Europe. This kind of foreign language learning is also emphasized by contemporary theories of language learning. The way of learning a foreign language has to be adapted to pupils’ age and capabilities. Using play in early childhood education is crucial because playing is children’s primary and preferred activity. In order to accomplish better information (subject matter) remembrance and retrieval, we add a lot of visual and listening material, movement and singing to children’s play. Activities in early foreign language teaching have to be short and diverse, they have to challenge the children intellectually so they are able to redesign ideas and information, can solve problems, gain understanding and discover new meanings. Beside cognitive challenge we have to provide the children with efficient language support in order to develop effective language and content learning. The thesis focuses on four approaches to teaching mathematics content in English by using the CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) method that is founded on cross-curricular integration and adding modern approaches to learning. Formed teaching approaches which can be used in different learning units are based on CLIL Matrix composed of four quadrants differing in high or low cognitive demands and high or low linguistic demands. The main goal of this thesis was to establish which sequence of the CLIL Matrix quadrants is ideal for teaching the chosen contents and how effective the individual sequence is in achieving learning objectives in Mathematics and English in the 2nd and 3rd Grade of Primary School. Effectiveness of these approaches was determined through achieving of learning objectives in tests that pupils took at the end of each content unit. The tests contained different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. In order to apply the formed approaches in practice, we have taught selected mathematical content units in English language considering different sequences of CLIL Matrix’s quadrants. Each content unit followed a different sequence of quadrants. There were fourteen second-grade and fourteen third-grade pupils included in the action research. We have carried out twelve English lessons with mathematical contents, such as natural numbers to 20, shapes, fractions and multiplication table. Three lessons were used for each content unit and at the end of each one the pupils took a short test. The first two content units were taught in the 2nd grade and the second two were taught in the 3rd grade. All teaching methods that followed different CLIL Matrix sequences were proved as successful and reached its aim in achieving learning objectives in Mathematics and English.


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