
Znanje in stališča študentov o gensko spremenjenih organizmih
ID Mravlje, Jure (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ambrožič Avguštin, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Gensko spremenjeni organizmi (GSO) so ena izmed najbolj perečih družbeno-znanstvenih tem, ki postaja vedno bolj aktualna. Z vse večjim napredkom na področju biotehnologije in vse širšim spektrom njihove uporabnosti postaja ta tematika zanimiva ne le za znanstveno sfero, pač pa tudi za splošno javnost in medije. Problem, ki ga opažajo mnoge študije pa je ta, da je ozaveščenost in znanje javnosti o GSO oziroma biotehnologiji nasploh precej slabo. Prav tako pa večina poroča o tem, da imajo običajno tisti, ki imajo več znanja s tega področja, bolj pozitiven odnos do GSO. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo znanje in stališča ter sprejemanje GSO študentov različnih naravoslovnih smeri (biologija, biotehnologija, mikrobiologija) in študentov pedagoške smeri (biologija z vezavo). Študenti so najprej izpolnili vprašalnik, nato smo zanje izvedli predavanje na temo GSO, zatem pa so vprašalnik izpolnili še drugič. Ugotovili smo, da med študenti obstajajo razlike v znanju in stališčih ter sprejemanju GSO. Največ znanja so imeli študenti naravoslovnih smeri, manj pa študenti pedagoške smeri. Pričakovano so imeli najbolj pozitiven odnos do GSO in jim bili najbolj naklonjeni študenti biotehnologije, najmanj pa študenti pedagoške smeri. Potrdili smo pozitivno korelacijo med znanjem in stališči do GSO ter znanjem in sprejemanjem GSO. Po izvedenem predavanju so se razlike v znanju med študenti zmanjšale, sprejemanje je v splošnem naraslo, stališča do GSO pa se niso bistveno spremenila.

Keywords:gensko spremenjeni organizmi, genski inženiring, biotehnologija, študenti, znanje, stališča, sprejemanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120292 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:34123779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Students knowledge and attitudes about genetically modified organisms
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are one of the hottest socio-science topics that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With new knowledge and advances in the field of biotechnology and the expansion of the spectrum of their use, GMOs are an interesting topic not only for scientists, but also for the general public and the media. However, the problem that many researchers have noted is that public awareness and knowledge of GMOs and biotechnology in general is very low. Most studies have also concluded that those with more knowledge tend to have a more positive attitudes towards GMOs. The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge of, attitudes towards and acceptance of GMOs among students of various science courses (biology, biotechnology, microbiology) and among pre-service teachers. We conducted a first survey among the students, then organised a lecture on GMOs for them and later conducted a second survey among the same students. We found that there are differences in knowledge of, attitudes towards and acceptance of GMOs among students of different courses. The students of the science courses had more knowledge than pre-service teachers. As expected, biotechnology students showed the most positive attitudes and the highest degree of acceptance of GMOs, while pre-service teachers showed the lowest level of acceptance. The positive correlation between knowledge and attitudes and between knowledge and acceptance of GMOs was confirmed. After the lecture, the differences in knowledge decreased and acceptance of GMOs in general raised, whereas attitudes remained almost the same.

Keywords:genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering, biotechnology, students, knowledge, attitudes, acceptance

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