
Analiza sestave eteričnega olja, hidrolata in ekstrakta črnega bezga (Sambucus nigra) : enoviti magistrski študijski program Farmacija
ID Sikošek, Mojca (Author), ID Kočevar Glavač, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Črni bezeg (Sambucus nigra L.) je zelo razširjena aromatična rastlina v Evropi in ena izmed najpogosteje uporabljanih zdravilnih rastlin v ljudski medicini. Najpomembnejše biološko aktivne spojine v cvetovih so flavonoidi, triterpeni in triterpenoidi. V literaturi ni na voljo nobene klinične raziskave s cvetovi črnega bezga. Prav tako pa je tudi podatkov o sestavi eteričnega olja, hidrolata in ekstrakta cvetov ter o variabilnosti njihove sestave izredno malo. Proučevanje slednjega je bil namen naše raziskave. V sklopu našega dela smo pridobili vzorce cvetov črnega bezga na štirih različnih lokacijah po Sloveniji, in sicer v času njihovega polnega cvetenja. Sveţe in posušene na različne načine smo destilirali in ekstrahirali. Pridobljene vzorce eteričnih olj, hidrolatov in ekstraktov smo analizirali z metodo plinske kromatografije, sklopljene z masno spektrometrijo.Ugotovili smo, da sta kvalitativna in kvantitativna variabilnost med vzorci eteričnih olj in ekstraktov izredno veliki, precej manjši pa sta med vzorci hidrolatov. Količina eteričnega olja in detektirano število spojin v njem sta večja v vzorcih eteričnih olj in ekstraktov suhe droge v primerjavi s sveţo. Največjo količino eteričnega olja ima vzorec suhih cvetov iz Čermoţiš (0,23 mL/kg sveţe rastlinske droge), največje število spojin pa vzorec eteričnega olja suhih cvetov iz Anovca (196). Največje število spojin ima vzorec ekstrakta cvetov, sušenih v eksikatorju v argonovi atmosferi iz Trţiča – 424. Število spojin in koncentracija hlapnih snovi sta večji v vzorcih hidrolatov sveţe kot v vzorcih hidrolatov suhe droge in padata v obeh primerih z vsako naslednjo frakcijo. Največji sta v prvi frakciji vzorca hidrolata sveţih cvetov iz Anovca (število spojin: 16; koncentracija hlapnih spojin: 0,359 mL/L). V vseh vzorcih eteričnih olj in ekstraktov predstavljajo večji deleţ druge organske spojine (povprečno 83,4 % oz. 29,6 %) v primerjavi s terpeni in terpenoidi (povprečno 4,46 % oz. 8,70 %), medtem ko je v vzorcih hidrolatov glavna spojina monociklični monoterpenoid (Z)-linalool oksid piranoid (povprečno 88,4 % v vseh frakcijah vzorcev hidrolatov). V vzorcih eteričnih olj cvetov črnega bezga si po vsebnosti najbolj zastopane spojine sledijo v naslednjem zaporedju: n-heptakozan, n-trikozan, n-nonadekan, n-pentakozan in skvalen, v vzorcih ekstraktov pa: skvalen, n-pentakozan, n-trikozan, n-heptakozan in n-nonakozan.

Keywords:črni bezeg Sambucus nigra L. hidrolat ekstrakti destilacija bezga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Sikošek]
Number of pages:VIII, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120277 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4649841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) essential oil, hydrolate and extract composition : Uniform Master's Study Programme Pharmacy
Elder (Sambucus nigra L.) is a widespread aromatic plant in Europe and one of the most frequently used herbal drugs in the folk medicine. Flavonoids and triterpenes are the most important bioactive compounds in elder flowers. There are no clinical trials studying elder flowers available. Data on the composition and variability of elder essential oil, hydrolate and extract are very poor, therefore this is the purpose of our study. Samples of elder flowers were acquired on four different locations in Slovenia during a full flowering period. Fresh flowers and flowers dried in various ways were distilled and extracted. Samples of essential oil, hydrolate and extracts were then analysed with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The results show that qualitative and quantitative variability among essential oil and extract samples is high, whereas it is much lower among hydrolate samples. The amount of essential oil and the number of detected compounds are higher in essential oil and extract samples of dry flowers compared to the fresh ones. The dry flowers sample from Čermoţiše (0,23 mL/kg fresh herbal drug) contains the largest amount of essential oil, while the largest compound number was found in the dry flowers sample from Anovec (196). The extract sample of flowers dried in a desiccator in the argon atmosphere has the largest number of compound – 424. The compound number and the volatile substances concentration are higher in fresh flowers hydrolate samples compared to the dry ones and fall with each subsequent fraction. The highest are in the first fraction of the dry flowers hydrolate sample from Anovec (compound number: 16; volatile substances concentration: 0,359 mL/L). In all essential oil and extract samples there is a higher proportion of other organic compounds (on average 83,4 % and 29,6 %, respectively) compared to terpenes (on average 4,46 % and 8,70 %, respectively), whereas in the hydrolate samples the major compound is monocyclic monoterpenoid (Z)-linalool oxide pyranoid (on average 88,4 % in all hydrolate samples fractions). In essential oil samples, the content of the main compounds decreases in the following order: n-heptacosane, n-tricosane, n-nonadecane, n-pentacosane and squalene, and in the extract samples: squalene n-pentacosane, n-tricosane, n-heptacosane and n-nonacosane.

Keywords:Elder (Sambucus nigra L.) essential oil hydrolate extract distillation extraction

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