
ID Ponikvar, Tjaša (Author), ID Setnikar-Cankar, Stanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati položaj in dostopnost trga dela za ženske. Prvo poglavje zajema uveljavljanje žensk na trgu dela skozi zgodovino. Sledi poglavje, v katerem je zajet slovenski trg dela in ovire pri vstopu nanj. Raziskovalni del, v katerem se primerja Slovenijo, Nemčijo in Italijo, je narejen na podlagi dostopnih statističnih podatkov. Diplomsko delo obravnava ženske na trgu dela v Sloveniji. Ženske se v današnjem času in po posledicah, ki jih je pustila gospodarska kriza, še vedno srečujejo z velikimi izzivi pri vstopu na trg dela, saj morajo usklajevati delo in družino. Pri usklajevanju poklicnega in družinskega življenja se še vedno srečujemo z neenako obravnavo delodajalca in prisotnostjo diskriminacije pri zaposlovanju kljub končani izobrazbi. V diplomskem delu se ugotovi, da je v Sloveniji manjše število žensk na vodilnih in vodstvenih položajih v parlamentu in na občinski ravni. Prav tako statistični podatki kažejo, da so ženske v slabšem položaju pri zaposlovanju in vstopu na trg dela v primerjavi z moškimi. Z oteženim vstopom žensk na trg dela se ne srečuje samo Slovenija, temveč tudi ostale države. Rezultati kažejo, da se s težavami in ovirami srečujejo tudi v Nemčiji in Italiji. Opazimo lahko, da se status žensk na trgu dela, v obdobju od začetka gospodarske krize v letu 2008 in do danes, počasi izboljšuje, vendar še vedno ni najbolje. Na podlagi statističnih podatkov lahko zaznamo pozitivni vpliv ukrepov države in delodajalcev pri vstopu žensk na trg dela.

Keywords:ženske, trg dela, diskriminacija, neenakost, segregacija, zaposlovanje, zakonodaja, gospodarska kriza, izobrazba, usklajevanje poklicnega in družinskega življenja, brezposelnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Ponikvar]
Number of pages:XI, 55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120267 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28960771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Secondary language

The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the state and accessibility of the labour market for women. In the first chapter, I described the advancement of women on the labour market throughout history. I the next chapter, I explained the Slovenian labour market and its entry barriers. The research part, where I compared Slovenia, Germany and Italy, is prepared on the ground of accessible statistical data. The thesis discusses women on the labour market in Slovenia. In today’s time and after the consequences of the economic crisis, women are still facing great challenges by entering the labour market, since usually they are the ones, who have to reconcile work and family life. In reconciling the professional and family life, we are still facing different treatment of the employer and employment discrimination despite the completed education. In the thesis, I found that in Slovenia, there is a lower number of women in leading or leadership positions in the Parliament and on the municipal level. Statistical data also shows that women are disadvantaged compared to men in terms of employment and entering the labour market. Slovenia is not the only county, where women are facing a challenged entry into the labour market. The results show that Germany and Italy are also facing troubles and challenges. It is evident that since the economic crisis in 2008, the status of women on the labour market is slowly improving, but it is still not the best. Based on statistical data, we can perceive a positive impact of the measures of the State and employers on the entry of women into the labour market.

Keywords:women, labour market, discrimination, inequality, segregation, employment, legislation, economic crisis, education, reconciling work and family life, unemployment

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