
Zakaj je lepota pomembna
ID Korenčan, Rok (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muhovič, Jožef (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu se posvečam analizi lastnih del, ustvarjenih med študijem slikarstva, ki jih skozi prizmo mistike večnosti povežem z večnim vprašanjem in paradigmo lepote. Osrednji namen naloge je prikazati vpetost študijskega pristopa k ateljejskemu delu v proces samokritičnega vrednotenja z izhodišči likovne teorije, ki nudi odgovore na teoretska in praktična vprašanja, ki se pojavljajo pri delovnem procesu. Primerjava lastnih del z deli avtorjev, ki so vplivali in izoblikovali moj umetniški izraz, in analiza interpretacije njihovih del v smislu iskanja lepote me privedeta do razčlenitve strukture lastnega ustvarjanja, me vodita skozi notranje občutke in misli ter mojemu delu dajeta formo, obliko in smisel. Cilj diplomskega dela je spodbuditi vprašanja težavnosti in zahtevnosti v slikarstvu, razumeti, kako nam na tej točki lahko pomagajo in nas usmerjajo pretekla znanja, teorije in filozofije ter kako jih kot umetnik znotraj slikarstva in sorodnih umetnosti prepletam z novodobnimi tokovi v navezavi z estetskimi ideali, torej lepoto in njeno esenco na platnu.

Keywords:slikarstvo, lepota, transcendenca, likovna umetnost, umetniško delo, kreativnost, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120234 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Why Beauty Matters
Undergraduate thesis focuses on the analysis of my own works created during my studies of painting, connecting them to the eternal question and the paradigm of beauty through the prism of the eternity mysticism. The main purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate the integration of academic approach of studio work in the process of self-critical evaluation based on art theory, providing answers to theoretical and practical questions, which arise from the work process. Comparison of my own works with the works of authors who influenced and shaped my artistic expression, and the analysis of their interpretation in terms of the search for beauty leads me to break down the structure of my own creation, guides me through inner feelings and thoughts, and gives my work form and meaning. The thesis aims to promote issues of difficulty and complexity in painting and to understand how past knowledge, theories and philosophy can help and guide us. The thesis also aims to demonstrate how the before mentioned issues are integrated within painting and related arts and intertwined with modern trends in relation to aesthetic ideals such as beauty and its essence on canvas.

Keywords:painting, beauty, transcendence, fine art, artwork, creativity, BA thesis

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