
Topološka kvantizacija prevodnosti v Josephsonovem stiku z Rashbovo interakcijo
ID Medic, Luka (Author), ID Rejec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je obravnavana kvantizacija prevodnosti v 4-terminalnem Josephsonovem stiku v prisotnosti Rashbove interakcije. Najprej je predstavljen Bogoljubov-de Gennesov formalizem za običajni superprevodnik. Podrobneje so predstavljene lastne energije in lastna stanja v enodimenzionalnem superprevodniku. Zapisan je problem sipanja med normalnim in superprevodnim materialom, razložena pa sta tudi odboj in vezana stanja Andrejeva. Nato so predstavljeni Josephsonov tok, povezava med Chernovim številom in prevodnostjo ter korespondenca med superprevodnimi fazami in kristalnim momentom iz fizike trdne snovi. Razložena je topološka klasifikacija v sistemih z dodatno simetrijo oz. v sistemih z anomalnimi parametri. Obravnavan je 4-terminalni Josephsonov stik v odsotnosti oz. prisotnosti Rashbove interakcije v osrednjem sipalnem območju, pri čemer je narejen numeričen izračun energijskih pasov vezanih stanj Andrejeva in pripadajočih Berryjevih ukrivljenosti, od tod pa sta izračunana še Chernovo število in kvantizirana prevodnost. Izkaže se, da Rashbova interakcija lahko topološko trivialne sisteme naredi netrivialne, izkaže pa se tudi, da se opažene simetrije vsote Chernovih števil valenčnih oz. prevodnih pasov v obravnavanem prostoru parametrov, tj. kontrolne superprevodne faze in Rashbove faze, razlikujejo od simetrij v 5-terminalnem Josephsonovem stiku, saj je vsota Chernovih števil soda funkcija Rashbove faze.

Keywords:Bogoljubov-de Gennesov formalizem, odboj Andrejeva, vezana stanja Andrejeva, Josephsonov tok, kvantizacija prevodnosti, Chernovo število, topološka klasifikacija, Aharonov-Casherjev pojav, Rashbova interakcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120205 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27974147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Title:Topological quantization of the transconductance in a Josephson junction with the Rashba interaction
The Master's theses presents the quantization of the transconductance in a 4-terminal Josephson junction in presence of the Rashba interaction. The Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism for a conventional superconductor is introduced. Superconductor's eigenstates and energies are derived step by step. Solution to the scattering problem between a normal and a superconducting material is written and the Andreev reflection and Andreev bound states are discussed. Then, the Josephson current, the relation between the Chern number and the transconductance and the correspondence between superconducting phases and the crystal momentum in the solid state physics are presented. Topological classification in systems with an additional symmetry or with anomalous parameters is explained. A 4-terminal Josephson junction is analyzed in absence and in presence of the Rashba interaction added in the central scattering region. Energy bands of Andreev bound states and their Berry curvatures are numerically calculated from where the Chern number and the quantised transconductance are obtained and emphasized upon. It turns out that the Rashba interaction may convert topologically trivial systems into topologically nontrivial ones. Also, the obtained symmetries of Chern numbers in the considered parameter space, ie. a superconducting phase and a Rashba phase, differ from the symmetries in a 5-terminal Josephson junction since the Chern number is an even function of the Rashba phase.

Keywords:Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism, Andreev reflection, Andreev bound states, Josephson current, quantised transconductance, Chern number, topological classification, Aharonov-Casher effect, Rashba interaction

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